Thursday, October 31, 2019

Risk management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Risk management - Essay Example The risk in investing in real assets is different from investing in financial securities because the rates of revenue generation associated with the two are different. Generally, real assets investment requires a lot of factors that determine profit. Some of these factors, which include staffing could be expensive and if not done well affect the revenue fortunes of the company. The risk with real assets is therefore higher. Question 2 In terms of acquiring the Latvian logistics business, the company faces business risk, which is posed against the market performance of the acquiring company. With reference to this particular risk, it is advised that â€Å"good fundamental analysis and careful selection of equities are the best ways to minimize this risk† (Noble Trading, 2009). Valuation is another risk that is associated with the Latvian acquisition. The company must be in a position to undertake comprehensive valuation that factors in the unseen cost of risks so that the final quote of the project will be one that assures value for money. With reference to the Kazakhstan subsidiary investment, some of the risks associated are inflation and interest rate risks, and market risk. This is because this investment is going into an existing business that is founded by the company in question. The single reason why it is important to have an integrated risk mitigation strategy is that the company is undertaking two different forms of investments which need an integrated strategy that caters for all the different investments. Question 3 Knowing that the risk-return trade off principle generally deals with the corresponding rises in return when there is an increase in risk, it would be right to argue that the management of working capital is the ultimate risk-return trade off for financial managers because the working capital is the single most reliable source of funding that financial managers can boast of. All other funds such as credits only come in as liabilit ies that need to be defended. Therefore, the harder financial managers try to take risk with their capitals and try to overcome the risks, the more they will count their returns. It is advised that the working capital of the company should be managed in such as way that it would have a correspondence with market dictates. This means that the company should pump in much fund into real asset investment if that sector shows signs of market boom. The switch should go to financial securities if that sector also shows signs of good performance. In simple terms, the working capital of the company should chance gloomy market. Question 4 The CAPM model distinguishes between specific risk and systematic risks because of the parameters under which each of these risks occur. Generally, specific risks are more attributed to managerial and other human control risks such as mismanagement which causes variation in the aggregate of productivity whiles systematic risks are associated with â€Å"vari ation in an asset's value caused by unpredictable economic movements† (cooper, 2012). To the investors, there is an implication which is, there are moments that their own actions can create risks and so as much as possible, they should always look for ways of minimising such specific risks.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Student Movement and 1968 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Student Movement and 1968 - Essay Example The essay "The student movement and 1968" will help to understand, that political oppression is one of the main factors that encouraged student action in the 1960s, where students wanted to offer an alternative opposition that the government lacked. In 1966, the two main West German political parties, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and Christian Democrats (CDU), merged to create the Grand Coalition. The Grand Coalition selected Kurt Georg Kiesinger of the CDU to become the chancellor. The decision sparked controversy because Kissinger served as the radio propagandist of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), also called the Nazi Party (Allinson, 2013, p.141). In addition, the formation of the Grand Coalition created social unrest because it decreased and curtailed parliamentary opposition (Allinson, 2013, p.142). With the union of CDU and the SPD, the only remaining opposition party was the relatively small organization of the Free Democratic Party (FDP). The studen t movement formed part of the â€Å"extraparliamentary opposition† or APO (Von Dirke, 1997, p.34). Andrei S. Markovits, an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor and American sociologist Philip S. Gorski assert that APO is not a monolithic movement. They stress that the â€Å"term APO never designated a single organization or tendency. Rather, APO was a loosely negative alliance between a diffuse array of groups united against a shared opponent† (cited in Von Dirke, 1997, p.34). The Socialist German Student Union served as the leader of the student movement in Germany.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Reflection on Clinical Placement

Reflection on Clinical Placement Clinical Placement Reflection 1 Communication with others within the clinical setting – this may include staff members, patients and relatives. From working within in a team I have learnt that communication in health and social care underpins everything that professionals do and can determine the quality of service that patients receive. Poor communication between members of inter-professional teams affects the quality of care patients receive and can result in any number of bad experiences for the patients. I’ve noticed that some of the factors that contribute to poor communication include the use of professional jargon, abbreviations and poor handwriting. Thus I made it a personal objective try and avoid these behaviours and if I did for example, use jargon I made sure its universal so that there is no miscommunication. Your ability to work within a team. During this time on placement I have been able to witness and participate in multidisciplinary team meetings and have also had the opportunity to work with different healthcare professionals such as physiotherapist and also have been involved in ward rounds with doctors and nurses. The ward I was placed had a great team. I always felt a part of the team, and that I was making a valuable contribution thanks to both my eagerness to take on anything they threw at me, and, their inclusiveness and supportiveness. I learnt that holding back and waiting for people to notice you is not a good strategy. Let everyone know that you’re interested every day, and opportunities will come your way. Your role and relationship with others within the clinical practice My role and relationship with others within the clinical setting was very important to me. It was important for me to build the team member relationship with others as it helps to establish a mutual understanding and trust with other team members. When reflecting upon my own strengths and weaknesses, in relation to my role and relationship with others, I feel that whilst I am beginning to acquire an in depth understanding of the role of the nurse in the care of the patient, I feel that I lack substantial knowledge of the roles of the other healthcare professionals that I work alongside in the care of these same patients. I have listed the priority of this as being medium to high as I feel that it is not possible to become an effective collaborative healthcare member without having an understanding of the roles of others with whom I am are working with. If there is a lack of understanding of the roles of others, I fee l that it would be difficult to see why they are involved in the care of my patient, or even when it is appropriate to involve other healthcare professionals, inevitably leading to the quality of the care for the patient to suffer. Thus I made it in my best interest to interact more with others during the placement so that I could work alongside them confidently and work towards the same goals. Your problem solving skills. Where possible give examples of how you have used these. Being in acute care setting, the kind of problem-solving that I did tend to be solving were immediate problems rather long-term problems. For example, patients who cant get up who needs to have a sponge and clean linens on their bed. However each patient is different and often I couldn’t just perform the task without thought. The process of problem solving has guided me in finding solutions to a problem. I have learnt that this process is effective and helps me make the right decisions. I have also learnt to reflect on my decision so that I can see if the decision was the best or not for the situation. To assist me in problem solving more complex situations, I asked my mentor to provide some problem solving stimulations to further develop my problem-solving skills which was very beneficial for my learning process. Your time management skills I learnt the importance of time management a lot during this placement. On one of the days, I did not wash my patient before 8:00 am in order to prepare her for her family visit later on that day. My patient’s 10:00 am Parkinson’s’ medication administration was delayed by 45 minutes because she was being washed at that time. This event occurred because I did not prioritize the tasks I had to complete during the day properly, and therefore I learned the importance of time management. If I had obtained nursing knowledge and familiarize myself with the daily routine care of the patient I could have handle my time more efficiently. After this event, I learned effective time management strategies to handle my time on clinical and I will definitely utilize the time managing strategies step by step from knowing , planning , prioritizing tasks, gaining support from other nurses, and being flexible with my tasks. Your ability to understand your competence and scope of practice It was important for me to have an understanding my own competence and scope of practice as it guides me to good clinical practice and the delivery of my care to my patients. As a student enrolled nurse, there were strict practice standards and regulations, especially when medication is involved and supervision from our mentor was required at all times. Reflecting back, there were situations where although the practice was within my scope of practice, the policy and procedures of the facility did not allow it thus it is important to understand and familiarize yourself with the policy and procedures of the hospital as well as working within your scope. How you adapt and use new technology and reflect on historical changes in nursing As I was quite young and I didn’t have any problems adapting and using new technology. It was very exciting seeing new technology as I believe it will greatly improve nursing practice and make it more efficient. Some of the new technologies I had the opportunities to use include new vital signs machine, lifting machines and computer programs that included online hospital policy and procedures and mims. All documentation was still hand-written and stored in folders. Historically, nursing documentation has been a hand- written. However, today facilities are now introducing new technology aimed to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Your competency in relation to your nursing skills Competency in relation to my nursing skills had a lot to do with my confidence. For me, confidence is an important aspect of the practice of nursing and plays a major role in development. After an incident, I recognised that despite my lack of confidence the skill set that required to be completed for a particular patient was within my scope of practice, within my ability and within my knowledge base. On reflection it is clear that my lack of confidence in my ability, when put ‘on the spot’ contributed to my feelings of inadequacy which affected my competency in relation to my nursing skills. Through reflection and use of a mentor I was able to clarify that my weakness was not my nursing skills or knowledge level but my inability to effectively perform when under close scrutiny, which in turn led to a lack of confidence in my skill level and clinical knowledge. To develop my confidence and communication skill I became pr oactive and requested the assistance of a senior clinical educator to critically assess my skills and knowledge base. By doing this I reinforced my knowledge and skills but more importantly developed self-confidence. My efforts in seeking assistance and assessment of my skills could be seen as a step in ‘becoming more independent’. By gaining input and validation from my clinical educator, I ensured that I was able to successfully utilize my nursing skills competently and independently. An overall reflection of the day and how you can use your reflection to improve your practice Upon starting this placement I didn’t really know what to anticipate as it was my first time in a hospital setting, so when I was asked about my expectations all I could say was â€Å"That I wanted to learn all I can† Thinking back on that not so confident response, now at the end of this placement, gives me good insight into how valuable this placement has been to my professional development. This placement gave me the opportunity to begin to see myself as a professional, as I gradually learnt how to think critically about the patient’s health and managing their care and needs. This led to my becoming increasingly confident in the role I was determined to fill. Although I feel that I have a long way to go in this endeavour and will always continue learning, I know that I have learnt a lot during my time at this placement. To further improve my practice, I will use refle ction as it enables me to solve problems or learn from actions through thinking consciously about an activity which would then enable me learn and develop. Clinical Placement Reflection 2 Communication with others within the clinical setting – this may include staff members, patients and relatives. During my placement I was in a stroke unit. Being on this unit, I worked with many clients who suffered from post-stoke symptoms and many had difficulty with speech. The experience helped me learn the importance of both verbal and non-verbal communication. As an aspiring nurse, I have to continuously sharpen my communication skills because I will be interacting with more diverse range of patients in the future. I have to be able to establish rapport with each new patient and I can do this by communicating with them. I must maximise my communication with my patients because I can do a lot of things by communicating such as motivate, empower, educate and understand my patients. Your ability to work within a team. Working in a team provides me with a great satisfaction. From this teamwork experience, I strongly feel the importance of teamwork in providing consistent care for patients. It taught me to interact with others and as an individual in order to work towards the same goal. I had witnessed examples of both good and poor inter-professional collaboration and communication whilst in practice and have reflected on those incidents. Also, being self-aware I found was not only essential to nursing as a basis for reflection but it also contributed to how I communicate with others and assisted me in developing inter-personal skills with our colleagues so that I could work better in a team. Your role and relationship with others within the clinical practice In order to work efficiently together, it was important to understand my role and the roles of others within the clinic setting. My professional relationships with others was good except with occupational therapist (OT) mainly because I never had a fully understand of their role. I felt more clarity was needed surrounding the role of the OT so I made the efforts to research and speak to some of the OT to find out about their roles. As a result I was able to witness some of their work and worked closely with them. Being professional relationships and understand the roles of others has also lead me to understanding about the unique qualities and skills that different professionals bring to the team. In learning about other team members roles, I was also able to enhance my own professional identity which made me comfortable in the clinical setting. Your problem solving skills. Where possible give examples of how you have used these. I was quite a confident problem-solving however there are times where I’m faced with a situation where I can identify the problem but I’m not able to come up with a solution due to lack of experience. For example performing venepuncture; the patient had very poor vein and my first attempt failed and was very demotivated. We were never taught in school on how to deal with bad veins except to have two attempts and have someone else do it if you fail. Determined to do the venepuncture successful, I suggested to my mentor, if I was able to pull the vein downwards to minimise the movement of the vein. With the approval of my mentor, I went in and was successful on my second attempt. Your time management skills Prioritizing is a necessary tool for effective time management thus I made sure I prioritize tasks from high to low priority order. However during this placement, a staff had questioned my time management skill because I choose to assist patient who was lying in a soiled bed over researching my medications that was due in half an hour. This experience made me question how I was prioritising my time management skills. I decided to reflect on experience, and I believe that the staff was wrong to question my time management skills. I had thought about which was the greater priority in this situation and I still believe that the patient was. If the same situation arose again I feel that I would not do anything different other than to speak up and justify my decisions. I recognize and knowledge Time management as an important skill in nursing and hope that my skills will further improve with practice. Your ability to understand your competence and scope of practice My ability to understand my competence and scope of practice is demonstrated through my clinical practice to safely provide care that is in accordance to the competency standards and actively informing others of my scope of practice. I always clarified what the specific activity or task details were from my mentor and obtained any additional information that I may need, such as facility policies or procedures. I also I made sure I expressed the concern to my mentor or educator. An example of this was my knowledge of medication. Although it was in my scope to administer medication, it was important that I do it competently with full understanding of the drug use and why the patient is receiving it. While it was in my scope, I lacked knowledge of the drug therefore I felt incompetent to administer it safely. For this reason, I made it my goal to research the medications prior to administration. How you adapt and use new technology and reflect on historical changes in nursing During my placement, I adapted well to the new technology. The ward I was on had new software integrated in their computers which allowed me to access patient results and continue my learning through web-based training programs and access to online medical dictionaries and mims. My experience using these was very positive and very efficient. Historically, nursing documentation has been a hand- written. This was still the case in the ward that I was working in. This form of documenting has provided good communication between health care professionals and plan of patient care for the patient for a long period however the increase of medical errors and miscommunication has driven facilities to introduce new technology aimed to improve this and the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical practice. Your competency in relation to your nursing skills Nursing competency requires accumulation of evidence based knowledge and skills, understanding of cultural diversity and the care provided. During clinical practice I used the ANMC competency standards to reflect on my own practice. Areas that I felt competent in was my providing care in a safely manner and my ability to address the physiological, psychological, physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the patients and significant others. In addition, I continued professional education in order to build up knowledge and skills that will be necessary in coping with the dynamic changes in healthcare. Continuing education ensures that my knowledge is current and level of competency is maintained at a satisfactory level. An overall reflection of the day and how you can use your reflection to improve your practice My last placement has proved to be a huge progress. Through observations and clinical practice, I managed to develop my nursing skills both as an independent learner, but also as a member of the health team. Having been assigned patient loads, research medications and or reflecting on how I went, I was able to employ a range of skills that could not have found a better environment to develop in; critical thinking and problem solving, working with others and time management are just few examples. I will continue to do reflective practice to evaluate any clinical incident, positive or negative to attempt to better understand and contemplate the events which have taken place, and the behaviour, emotions and actions of not only myself, but the patient and others involved at that time In doing so, It will increase knowledge surrounding that situation and my professional development.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Sheltering Sky versus Blood Meridian Essay examples -- Paul Bowles Cor

Extreme circumstances bring about substantial changes in people. At least that is what Paul Bowles and Cormac McCarthy seem to be saying in the writing of their respective books, The Sheltering Sky and Blood Meridian. Both authors place their characters in difficult locations, dealing with difficult people and expect them to emerge changed, for better or for worse. In The Sheltering Sky, Bowles takes his American trio and places them in the desert lands of the African continent where the wide, dry impossibly desolate terrain takes its toll on their minds and bodies. Likewise, McCarthy takes his ragged bunch of marauders, most prominently the Kid, and has them wandering the massive expanse of the untamed west. This convention of forced growth is constant throughout both books, and the reader gets the unique opportunity to observe those changes from an objective point of view.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In The Sheltering Sky, we meet Port, Kit and Tunner initially as continental Americans on a sort of tour for spoiled expatriates. They seem oblivious to the fact that the area and the people who inhabit it are recently war-torn and decimated. The countryside has been ravaged by the war but the three of them seem to ignore that fact and continue through it in a sort of dazed, self indulged coma. The same, or a similar, situation is present in McCarthy's Blood Meridian, his characters, mainly the Kid, are making their way across the Old West, looking for money an adventure. They venture into Me...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Professionalism in Nursing Essay

Abstract Nursing requires not only having the education and compassion of helping others; it requires having a professional outlook. Having and displaying a professional outlook requires you to have the attitude and appearance and the willingness to help others. Professionalism in Nursing Professionalism In order to understand the concept of professionalism, we first need to define the word profession. Webster describes profession as a â€Å"chosen, paid occupation requiring prolonged training and formal qualification.† Professionals therefore can be defined as individuals expected to display competent and skillful behaviors in alignment with their profession. Being professional then is the act of behaving in a manner defined and expected by the chosen profession. This framework for professionalism in nursing began with our early roots with Florence Nightingale who set the bar rather high in regards to giving of herself to others and her expectation of excellence in practice. She was an inventor, a visionary, a missionary and she delivered all with a commitment to passion and love. We as nurses are no different. We bear the tremendous responsibility of upholding the values of our profession. Our core nursing values define the driving force that dictates our beliefs and our behaviors.( Welling RE, Boberg JT. 2010) Nursing as a profession embodies many values inherent in those who pursue nursing careers. When nurses are asked to identify their core values, they are surprisingly consistent throughout the profession globally. They include honesty, responsibility, pursuit of new knowledge, belief in human dignity, equality of all patients and the desire to prevent and alleviate suffering. In other words, all of us as nurses have chosen this profession to help others in need and to improve the quality of life for all. That mantra has not changed since the days of Florence Nightingale.( Welling RE, Boberg JT. 2010) So how does this transfer to the expectations of your practice wherever you interface with patients? Your professionalism will be judged in your personal behaviors and how you present yourself to all those around you, and through those behaviors, you tell the world who you are. Components of your professionalism include your attitude, your appearance and your willingness to help others.(Doukas, D.J 2009) Attitude Attitude is everything! The way you view your world and portray that view to others is everything. I am sure that you all can identify someone in your work environment with a terrible attitude that does their best to make the rest of the staff miserable. Unfortunately, many times they are successful pulling everyone into the puddle with them. People behave like this because they are looking for attention and by sucking everyone else into their drama they get that attention and control the environment. This type of behavior is counter to the expectations of the nursing profession to focus on helping others rather than focusing on our own problems. Personal issues need to be left at home and not taken into the work area. There are always going to be times when we face issues in our lives that threaten our positive outlook. I find it helpful to be grateful for everything I have. I believe that waking up in the morning is the best thing that can happen to me and the rest of the day becomes a gift. My mom told me this story about how she had the opportunity to meet a wonderful lady who lost her daughter to cancer recently. A tremendous lesson for her was to be grateful for every minute she had with her daughter and to convert the â€Å"have to’s† to the â€Å"get to’s.† When her daughter was depressed that she had to go for more chemotherapy, she reframed that to the fact that she â€Å"got to† go for more chemotherapy which kept her alive for much longer. If we begin to be grateful for what we have, our whole outlook on life changes and the way we relate to people becomes more meaningful. Be grateful because you â€Å"get to† be a nurse, you get to pick up your kids from sports, you get to go grocery shopping, you get to wake up in the morning: the list goes on and on.(Cruess, R.L 2006)( Blumenthal D. 2009) Appearance There is no way around the fact that people judge you by your personal appearance. Clean scrubs, neat hair, clean shoes and a well groomed look makes the statement that you care about yourself as a person and therefore have the capacity to care about others. People that look sloppy may be perceived by others as unorganized, lazy, and uncaring. If you do not care about yourself, how can you truly care for others? A little attention to how you look goes a long way to display your professionalism.(Welling, R.N 2010)( Blumenthal D.2009) Willingness to Help Others What has amazed me in nursing since I have been going to different clinical sites for 4 years is the observation that nurses do not necessarily support each other as we should. There needs to be solidarity in our profession, and yet, what I have observed, is a more individualized approach where we, as nurses, are more worried about ourselves than the whole of the profession. This translates into your willingness to help others and to work together as a team, as well as speak positively about your profession whenever you can. Remember, your profession is different than your job. At times we, as nurses, may tend to talk negatively about the nursing profession because we do not like where we work, and that you have control over. There is no question that nursing is a tough profession, both physically and mentally, and that with changes in the economy and the pressures of health care reform, the work environment will become even more challenging. To survive and actually thrive in nursing, we will all need to pull together as a profession and begin by working together at the bedside and being great team players willing to support each other. Something magical happens when we give to others; wonderful things begin to come back to us in far greater ways than what we have originally given.(Inui, T.S 2008) Nurses are the most trusted profession in the world; we have so much to give. Show the world how wonderful we are by always putting your best foot forward not only for yourself, but for all of us in this wonderful profession! Make a difference! References Cruess RL, Cruess SR. Teaching medicine as a profession in the service of healing. Academic Medicine 2006; 72: 941-952. Medical Professionalism in the New Millenium: A Physician Charter. Ann Intern Med 2008;136: 243-246 Inui, T.S. A Flag in the Wind: Educating for Professionalism in Medicine. Assoication of American Medical Colleges 2008 Doukas, D.J. Where is the Virtue in ProfPessionalism. Cambridge Quarterly in Healthcare Ethics. 2009; 12: 147-154. Blumenthal D. Nurses in a wired world: can professionalism survive connectivity? The Milbank Quarterly. 2009;80(3):525-46, iv. Panush RS. Not for sale, not even for rent: just say no. Thoughts about the American College of Rheumatology adopting a code of ethics. The Journal of Rheumatology. 2010 May;29(5):1049-57. Chervenak FA, McCullough LB. Neglected ethical dimensions of the professional liability crisis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2009 May;190(5):1198-200. Welling RE, Boberg JT. Professionalism: lifelong commitmen t for nurses. Archives of Nurses. 2010 Mar;138(3):262-4; discussion 264.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Heart/ a&P/ Nursing

Chapter 12 A flat macular hemorrhage is called a(n): Purpura Risk factors that may lead to skin disease and breakdown include: a lifetime of environmental trauma. What term refers to a linear skin lesion that runs along a nerve route? Zosteriform The components of a nail examination include: contour, consistency, and color. An example of a primary lesion is a(n): urticaria. A scooped out, shallow depression in the skin is called a/an: erosion. Chapter 19The first heart sound is produced by the: closure of the AV valves. Which of the following guidelines may be used to identify which heart sound is S1? S1 coincides with the carotid artery pulse. Which of the following cardiac alterations occurs during pregnancy? An increase in cardiac volume and a decrease in blood pressure Which of the following is an appropriate position to have the patient assume when auscultating for extra heart sounds or murmurs? Roll toward the left sideThe leaflets of the tricuspid and mitral valves are anchore d by __________________ to the _________________, which are embedded in the ventricular floor. chordae tendineae; papillary muscles The ability of the heart to contract independently of any signals or stimulation is due to: automaticity. When auscultating the heart of a newborn within 24 hours after birth, the examiner hears a continuous sound that mimics the sound of a machine. This finding most likely indicates: an expected sound caused by nonclosure of the ductus arteriosus. You can read also Coronary Artery Disease Nursing Care PlanA bruit heard while auscultating the carotid artery of a 65-year-old patient is caused by: turbulent blood flow through the carotid artery. The jugular venous pressure is an indirect reflection of the: heart's efficiency as a pump. The semilunar valves separate the: ventricles from the arteries. Chapter 20 One of the leg's deep veins is the: popliteal. ?Arteriosclerosis refers to: thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls. ?Palpable inguinal lymph nodes are: normal if small (less than 1 cm), movable, and nontender. In pulsus paradoxus: beats have weaker amplitude with respiratory inspiration and stronger amplitude with expiration. ?Lymphedema is: the swelling of an extremity caused by an obstructed lymph channel. ?A water-hammer â€Å"Corrigan† pulse is associated with: aortic valve regurgitation. The cervical nodes drain the: head and neck. In young children, the thymus gland: produces T lymphocytes. Cla udication is caused by: arterial insufficiency. The patient has severe bilateral lower extremity edema. The most likely cause is: heart failure.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Is Computer Technology Ruining Society Today

Is Computer Technology Ruining Society Today? Ever since the beginning of our existence, man has been trying to forge ahead and better himself. Throughout history man has pushed to achieve that which had always been considered unachievable. Sure some have shunned advancements and some have even tried to destroy it, yet it and we still move on. At the point we have reached today, technology not only enables us to have better lives, it also gives us the opportunity for global unity and advancement. I feel that the major effect that computer technology has made is to make us a global society, made communication as fast as the blink of an eye which results in quickly sharing ideas therefore making it possible for us to work with others in our fields to make those technological advancements at quantum speed. To assess what the affect of computer technology has on our culture we must look to the past. We would do this and we will see a magnificent difference between now and then. In the past hours upon hours were spent on projects and work that today thanks to computer technology only takes minutes. This technology enables us to do these projects with much greater accuracy and precision than we could ever hope for without their help. Some say that because of our reliance upon these machines we are giving up our work ethic and becoming lazier, that we rely on equipment and cannot function without them. To that comment I must say, the emergence of computer technology not only created thousands of new jobs and fields it also stimulated and drove countless others to set out upon this new venture and begin their own business or even create a whole new field. It is because of this technology that our working environment has improved to today's standards. "I think that computers a!re have given us the freedom to achieve so much of our "original" work. They have freed us from the repetitive tasks that took up much of our time so ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Evolution of Social Darwinism essays

The Evolution of Social Darwinism essays The Holocaust was an acceptable form of natural selection. Welfare takes money away from hardworking individuals and gives it to the idle, the useless members of our society. 59.4% of Americas wealth is held by the top 5% of its population. The conception of Social Darwinism in the late 19th century led to the type of ideology used here and justifies that appalling fact. Historically, the stronger, more capable members of society have thought of themselves as being better than those that are less fortunate than themselves, believing the weak only exist to improve the lives of the strong. In the late 19th century, with the onslaught of a Democratic Revolution, the traditional hierarchical rationalization for this exploitation was lost. In place of these hierarchies emerged a democratic market system. A new system required new justification. Consequently, many writers and philosophers attempted to convey this message, but it was not until Charles Darwin published his biological research on evolution, On the Origin of Species, that these men were able to find justification for their views. However, it is merely that: justification. Such scholars as Herbert Spencer and William Graham Sumner used the biological research of Darwin and attempted to apply to a social context, neglecting the complexity of human nature. In 1859 Charles Darwin released his revolutionary work, On the Origin of Species. In this work, he proposed one general law, leading to the advancement of all organic beings, namely multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die (Darwin, 263). According to this law, minute differences in an organisms genetic makeup provide this organism with advantages over others in terms of survival and general reproduction. These traits would in turn be passed on through reproduction to its descendants, who would eventually mutate into new varieties of the same organism. H...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Beethoven Concert Symphony

The dates of the performances are not known because this is a review of an E-concert recording. I will begin with the piece that was personally named by Ludwig Van Beethoven, Pastorale Pastorale is a five movement symphony, the only one with five movements that Beethoven wrote. Each movement is individually titled although Beethoven noted that the names were merely suggestions and were not to be taken literally (Classicalmusiceducation. om). The music does however seem to match up beautifully with the titles. The first movement is titled; Awakening of Cheerful Feelings on Arriving in the Country, Allegro ma non troppo and begins with an opening drone. The piece has a very quick, but somehow leisurely pace that repeats itself in a typical sonata form. Themes emerge, but do not seem to be in conflict as in other symphonies, there is a lack of noticeable tension. Imagine a forest, with the sounds of nature in perfect harmony, the winds rustling through the trees and birds chirping and s inging. The movement concludes with a coda comprised of a powerful increase in volume and emphasis with a return to the opening theme as basses Join in. The second movement is titled; Scene by the Brook, Andante molto mosso and continues the calm and relaxed mood set in the first movement. This movement seems to be in variation form. A gentle melody develops and the music seems to quicken. A completely new tune is introduced by a bassoon that is repeated several times. The themes are passed from woodwinds to strings and back to the full orchestra several times. Woodwinds seem to represent bird calls throughout the movement further adding linkage to the title. The end is marked by a flute and clarinet in a virtual bird conversation. This appears to be a cadenza before the ompletion of the warm and rich movement. The third movement is titled; Merry Gathering of Countryfolk, Allegro, This movement is a classic scherzo in triple meter. The opening theme is conducted by the entire orchestra. This movement is in great contrast to the first two, much faster and more powerful. The scherzo gives way toa trio that is quite energetic. The woodwinds are splendid in their representations ot birds again . The Scherzo seems to repeat in a a compressed fashion. The movement ends with a strong cadence that ends sharply and shifts to the next movement. The fourth movement is known as; Thunderstorm allegro. The bass is deep and vibrant, the woodwinds pierce the air, and the entire orchestra create a powerful stormy atmosphere. The rise and falls of this piece are dramatic and enhanced by the strings piercing anxiety. The sounds seem to shake the environment, rhythm is hard to detect, everything is crashing and disjointed, much like a real storm. Suddenly there is calm as if the storm has dissipated and the beautiful country side has reappeared. The fifth and final movement is called; Shepherds song, Glad and Grateful after the Storm Alegrettd. The main theme is introduced by clarinets, horns and violins. The main theme is repeated several times with variations as the woodwinds are intermixed. The entire orchestra Joins in an extended transition as the opening materials are reintroduced. There is an extended coda and the main theme is varied. There does not seem to be a climax in the ending, Just a final strong cadence and a magnificent sense of completion that is enlightening. The five movements of Beethovens Symphony No. 6 Pastorale draw listeners in with a quick, but leisurely tempo and rich developed movements. The symphony seemingly flows and fits the titles beautifully. It is easy to paint a picture ofa noble ountryside, nature, and all the activities it entails. Beethovens Piano Concerto No. 5 Emperor is a three part traditional concerto, an Allegro, Adagio, and the Rondo. This concerto was named Emperor because of the powerful themes and heroic note of the composition (wrww. all-about-beethoven. com/ concert05. html). The opening of the concerto brings a main theme introduced by a solo piano with the full orchestra providing a dramatic presence of several chords. The piano flourishes grow in length until reaching a cadenza after the third time. The full orchestra Joins in and carries the theme into the full exposition. The theme is bold with a pleasant interjection of a second subject that seems to tiptoe through the movement. The orchestra stays in the tonic key as the piano modulates and reaches a wide variety of tones as the scales are worked. The development of the movement effectively flips the lead. The orchestra now leads and the piano accompanies. The main theme rhythm is reinforced by a powerful bassoon. The coda is lead by horns and Joined by the rest of the orchestra to a thrilling close. The second movement is a slow movement and begins quietly with a simple main theme presented by strings. I felt like I was in church. The melody of the movement makes it seem simple but it still has many variations within. The original theme is maintained within the development in a very refined and deliberate way. This movement evokes clarity and relaxation. The piano builds toa crescendo and backs away as if were weeping. The piano is seems to fade away as a low woodwind plays long notes and sustains the theme. A very low tone on the piano and woods is held for long periods and then the piano dashes out vibrantly and the orchestra Joins in a spirited conclusion of the movement. The third movement is a classic rondo that seems to begin without a distinct break rom the second. The piano again traverses the scales dramatically and is accompanied by the orchestra. The drums fade as the piano solo fades out. With the pause, the piano Jumps aggressively back into the chromatic scales which are a foundation of the themes throughout the concerto. The orchestra is along for the ride toa rapid and powerful finish. The Pastorale symphony and Piano Concerto Emperor present dynamic representations of nineteenth century music which represented more direct and unrestrained emotions (Strayer 209). Both pieces are energetic and lead the listener through a winding path of emotion.

Friday, October 18, 2019

How comprehensive and effective is the legal regime for international Essay

How comprehensive and effective is the legal regime for international sales today Is there any further need for harmonisation in this area of law - Essay Example International conventions are not codes, hence they do not cover a complete area of law and any unification that takes place can best be done on the basis of harmonization. During the first half of the twentieth century, legal systems were nationalized and private international law mainly sought to achieve the localization of issues and disputes, while conflict of laws also served this purpose. But during the later half of the 20th century, more instruments have emerged that have harmonized commercial law systems, and it appears that a new conflict of laws system may be needed. Earlier legal systems focused upon maintaining national identity, but this is yielding to a tendency to adopt internationally recognized standards or harmonized law. International trade law became distinguished from domestic law in that it applied to international export transactions, whether of goods or services. While domestic transactions fall within the province of national law, international trade is instead focused upon moving away from the fetters of national law in order to develop a common, international consensus. The modern perception of the law of international trade has been defined by Schmitthoff, who stated: â€Å"It is a remarkable fact - as remarkable as the world-wide acceptance of the rule of law and the universal acceptance of corporateness - that the law of international trade shows a striking similarity in all national legal systems.†2 While similarity in legal systems may not necessarily equate to uniformity, the use of a functional comparative approach leads to convergence in legal systems which is akin to uniformity. On this basis, applying Schmutthioff’s views, that conflict of laws is the factor that leads to the applicability of international trade law rules3. The law of international trade includes a spectrum of business activity, primarily related to the export

In What Ways Have the Recent Technological And Institutional Essay

In What Ways Have the Recent Technological And Institutional Developments Shaped Public Service Broadcasting In the UK - Essay Example In such a market with a large number of private players (with large funds and new technologies to back them), the PSBs with their obligatory roles as public service broadcasters which disallows them to focus on earning revenues, are finding it increasingly difficult to survive in this fragile economic scenario (Shooshan and Cave, 2000, 71-83). In this context, Singer opined that, â€Å"increased number of TV services means that audiences are getting fragmented. Where once a show on the publicly owned BBC, or its commercial rival ITV, regularly commanded audiences of 20 million, now a good audience is under half this† (Singer, Getting over our public service broadcasting addiction, April 2010). Along with this, the Internet has now emerged as large threat, taking away a large portion of UK audience, whereâ€Å"70% (80% in urban areas) are on the internet; there are movies on your Xbox, and assorted forms of catch-up TV† (Singer, ibid). In the internet, the most popular a renas are the social networking sites (like, Facebook, Twitter., etc.,) that allow open interactions between various users, thus making it necessary that the UK PBS in order to modernise itself must look towards allowing a greater scope for interactions amongst its recipients. In this context, in the 2005 Ofcom review, Richards, Foster and Suter give us a fair idea of the extent of technological invasion, where they state, â€Å"Fifty per cent of households already have digital television, and take-up has been extremely rapid†¦Other digital technology is increasingly competing for viewers’ attention. Ownership of DVD players has exploded – reaching 45% of... This essay stresses that PSB has always been at the core of UK cultural development, and in the Ofcom’s research it has been seen that despite changing consumption patterns, public support for the main objectives of PSB remain unchanged. Thus, it is necessary that Ofcom, while making suitable change to shape the present PSB that would be more suitable to the present context, must keep the traditional institutional values intact within the UK PSBs. It should create a suitable status for the PSB operating in the digital environment, create specific superscriptions for PSB, and allow them to make use of the new technological innovations to fulfil the superscriptions and adjust to the modifications in the present media landscape and modifications in the listening and viewing patterns of the recipients. This paper makes a conclusion that the UK must make provisions in their legislations to formulate specific superscriptions for PSB, which would cover the new mode of communication and technology services, thus allowing PSB to make optimal use of their potential in advocating democracy, social values and wider cultural participation, using the new form interactive media. The government also must allow the PSB media to respond completely in its own way, to the hurdles arising from the networking society, taking part in market competition, while keeping in mind various legal issues that dominate the public/private structure of the electronic world.

US History since watergate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

US History since watergate - Essay Example mmy Carter was under trial, he tried to convince Americans that though the future and security of Americans were at stake, they should overcome these tribulations with the support of the people (Gillon, 2013 p. 252). The wake of Vietnam and Watergate saw public faith in government decline, and there were too many social problems that made American rely on Washington for solutions. The loss of faith in elected leaders was also due to the failure of America in Vietnam and the manner in which Johnson administration’s fraudulence in explain the situation, there was also the expose of Nixon’s illegal behavior in the Watergate affair. Religious right ministers were so much interested in winning votes as well as saving souls. Religious right reaffirmed and withheld the values of gender roles deeply, unlike Neoconservative intellectual that were too worried about the unintended outcomes of reforms. Religious right clashed with other members in the society who didn’t want to hold on to â€Å"traditional values.† They organized themselves into the communities to challenge teachings of evolution, they also wanted books that didn’t advocate for religious teachings banned, they opposed sex education, and they also wanted prayers to be reinstated in school The 1980 presidential campaign was supposed to determine whether Carter was going to be re-elected. He was facing endless problems both on the American soil and abroad, the economy of America was deteriorating significantly. President Carter’s popularity rating dropped below 30% by July 1979. This could be then be characterized as ‘the crisis of confidence’ because the American citizens and some within President Carter’s own administration questioned his ability to rule and lead America. Though Carter won his party nomination on his first ballot, but he did see a new threat that was Ronald Reagan, who won the Republican nomination in the primaries (Gillon, 2013). Reagan was an effective speaker and master of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Unit2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Unit2 - Essay Example Therefore, there arises the question of whether sentencing the child molester to life imprisonment is enough or if death penalty should be imposed. Punishment cannot ever be measured and given to meet the crime accurately. So, it becomes difficult to decide which punishment is to be awarded for a crime. Another fact is that no punishment can undo the physical or mental trauma meted out to the victim through a crime. Punishment is given so that the crime may not be repeated and the criminal be shown the right path of life while he is imprisoned. Even so, criminals who have served their tenure in jail, when they come out, begin the same old cycle of committing crimes, child molesting in this case. They can never be stopped. The only way, then, left is to award them the death penalty. But it is out of the league of anyone to understand whether a person who committed the crime once will again do so or not. Thus, by giving death penalty, the society is eliminating that person’s chances to become good. There is a possibility in death penalties that a person who earnestly wants to mend his ways may get executed. Throughout the clip, the terms â€Å"death penalty† and â€Å"child molester† have been repeated. This repetition lays a strong emphasis on the topic. The rhetoric strongly strikes home the significance of the issue under debate. It is true that the child molester kills even the child’s soul and he or she suffers throughout his or her life for the wrong that has been done. It becomes a black mark the child and affects him or her physically, mentally as well as emotionally. Towards the end, the anchor adds a comment, â€Å"Coming back we are talking weather worries of Doctor Whitman.† This seems totally out of place as all along the serious topic of child molestation and its effect on the survivors as well as the punishment for the molesters was being discussed. But then

Political Political science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Political Political science - Essay Example After 1979 revolution, Iranian government started to stop United Nations to inspect Iranian nuclear program by saying that Iranian nuclear program is for electricity purposes so there is no need for the United Nation inspection team to visit the nuclear sites. The US government thinks that Iran should stop working on its nuclear program because it does not need to develop its own nuclear capacity. If we read the latest news dossier regarding Iranian nuclear program and threats to the world’s peace, we come to know that in March 2006, United Nations Security Council discussed the issue of Iranian nuclear program to set up Iran’s conformity with the terms and conditions of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. In July 2006, Security Council said that International Atomic Energy Agency was not able to provide any assurances regarding peaceful use of nuclear technology by Iran. Therefore, in December 2006, Security Council made a resolution to block Iran’s import and export of sensitive nuclear material. Looking at the behavior of Iranian government, the world’s powerful nations pressurized Iran and urged that it should reveal the nature of its nuclear program during six-party talks in Geneva. In November 2009, the hea d of the United Nations nuclear agency urged Iran to be as much cooperative as possible and suggested that it should send uranium abroad for enrichment purposes. â€Å"Tehran initially accepted but then rejected an offer for an interim solution under which it would ship some uranium out of the country for enrichment† (New York Times). Iran suggested to review the deal and said that it will continue enrichment of uranium in Iran instead of sending it abroad. In December 2009, US warned Iran of new significant sanctions in case of not sending the uranium outside for enrichment purposes. In February 2010, UN inspectors declared that they have evidences related to Iran’s suspicious nuclear activities. Despite of all warnings and sanctions,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

US History since watergate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

US History since watergate - Essay Example mmy Carter was under trial, he tried to convince Americans that though the future and security of Americans were at stake, they should overcome these tribulations with the support of the people (Gillon, 2013 p. 252). The wake of Vietnam and Watergate saw public faith in government decline, and there were too many social problems that made American rely on Washington for solutions. The loss of faith in elected leaders was also due to the failure of America in Vietnam and the manner in which Johnson administration’s fraudulence in explain the situation, there was also the expose of Nixon’s illegal behavior in the Watergate affair. Religious right ministers were so much interested in winning votes as well as saving souls. Religious right reaffirmed and withheld the values of gender roles deeply, unlike Neoconservative intellectual that were too worried about the unintended outcomes of reforms. Religious right clashed with other members in the society who didn’t want to hold on to â€Å"traditional values.† They organized themselves into the communities to challenge teachings of evolution, they also wanted books that didn’t advocate for religious teachings banned, they opposed sex education, and they also wanted prayers to be reinstated in school The 1980 presidential campaign was supposed to determine whether Carter was going to be re-elected. He was facing endless problems both on the American soil and abroad, the economy of America was deteriorating significantly. President Carter’s popularity rating dropped below 30% by July 1979. This could be then be characterized as ‘the crisis of confidence’ because the American citizens and some within President Carter’s own administration questioned his ability to rule and lead America. Though Carter won his party nomination on his first ballot, but he did see a new threat that was Ronald Reagan, who won the Republican nomination in the primaries (Gillon, 2013). Reagan was an effective speaker and master of

Political Political science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Political Political science - Essay Example After 1979 revolution, Iranian government started to stop United Nations to inspect Iranian nuclear program by saying that Iranian nuclear program is for electricity purposes so there is no need for the United Nation inspection team to visit the nuclear sites. The US government thinks that Iran should stop working on its nuclear program because it does not need to develop its own nuclear capacity. If we read the latest news dossier regarding Iranian nuclear program and threats to the world’s peace, we come to know that in March 2006, United Nations Security Council discussed the issue of Iranian nuclear program to set up Iran’s conformity with the terms and conditions of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. In July 2006, Security Council said that International Atomic Energy Agency was not able to provide any assurances regarding peaceful use of nuclear technology by Iran. Therefore, in December 2006, Security Council made a resolution to block Iran’s import and export of sensitive nuclear material. Looking at the behavior of Iranian government, the world’s powerful nations pressurized Iran and urged that it should reveal the nature of its nuclear program during six-party talks in Geneva. In November 2009, the hea d of the United Nations nuclear agency urged Iran to be as much cooperative as possible and suggested that it should send uranium abroad for enrichment purposes. â€Å"Tehran initially accepted but then rejected an offer for an interim solution under which it would ship some uranium out of the country for enrichment† (New York Times). Iran suggested to review the deal and said that it will continue enrichment of uranium in Iran instead of sending it abroad. In December 2009, US warned Iran of new significant sanctions in case of not sending the uranium outside for enrichment purposes. In February 2010, UN inspectors declared that they have evidences related to Iran’s suspicious nuclear activities. Despite of all warnings and sanctions,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

William Shakespeare and Western Literary Tradition Essay Example for Free

William Shakespeare and Western Literary Tradition Essay When Shakespeare was a kid going to grammar school, a school open to boys only by the way! they learned Latin, Greek and rhetoric, persuasion through logical argument. Students read Latin and Greek writers to learn about the history of ancient Greece and the glory that was Rome† and this material was translated by them into English or French after many hours of work. Im glad the school curriculum of the 21 st century has evolved and we no longer spend our days doing boring stuff like that! Their old-fashioned, subjects that have little relevance in the modern world of the internet and space travel. The question is: shouldnt we allow our education system to further evolve and file Shakespeare in the same drawer where weve stuck Homer, Plato and Ovid? Given the society of North America in the 21 st century, Shakespeares relevance is declining with each new technical advance. The purpose of this essay is to prove isnt it time to address this question head on, even at the risk of causing legions of English teachers to collapse in horror? Speaking to the world may be the least of the challenges facing those who want the teaching of Shakespeare. Shakespeares English is the language as they spoke it 400 years ago. It is as ancient and antiquated and old as the Latin and Greek I spoke about in my introduction. Watch any class of high school students tackle Shakespeare and the first book youll see on theredesks is a student guide of notes explaining who characters are, the plot and the themes. Indeed, it is doubtful that the play itself is ever cracked by some students. How can students in the 21 st century understand any of the great themes raised in these plays if they cant even understand what some guy is saying? If students must read this stuff, switch it for a modern translation. I would like to write a graphic novel using Shakespeares plots, but maybe its been done. Consider how this problem is worse for those students whose first language is not even English. If were going to combat feelings of alienation we must not cling to cultural icons of a white, Anglo-Saxon culture. Given the modern, multicultural societies to be found in any Canadian city of to-day, can a writer from olde England† really claim to have any relevance? High school teachers need further training to examine the important literatures of Africa, Asia or the Muslim world. The succession of Anglo-Saxon monarchs can have little connection with the issues gripping the globe from Africa and the MiddleEast. As members of a global community; we need to be aware of the moral issues facing these cultures if were going to talk to them. I think the issue of AIDS and HIV in Africa is one of the most important problems we face. It is the western literary traditions refusal to look beyond Shakespeare that cements western, primarily British, culture as the dominant cultural group and causes other groups, African, Middle Eastern or Asian to exist in a mental cultural ghetto. How will we in the west understand the moral concerns of other cultural or religious groups if we refuse to look beyond Shakespeare? How can Shakespeare speak to the world? The really important argument put forward by those who want to keep Shakespeare in the curriculum is that Shakespeare is the greatest writer in the western literary tradition. Says who? I think importance is a relative value judgment? Shakespeares plays second in Shakespeares own mind to his poetry were written to satisfy the political fashions of his time. Why does Macbeth look into the cauldron and see A show of eight Kings, the last with a glass in his hand? We are told now it was to impress James the first of England and sixth of Scotland. It was James interest in the occult that caused the inclusion of the three witches who look not like the inhabitants o the earth, and yet an ont who Macbeth consults. You cant look at any copy of a Shakespeare play without finding obvious references to the monarchy of his time. Shakespeares plays, like any political propaganda found to-day, either concentrates on defending the status quo or attacking the unpopular leadership of an earlier time. So, in conclusion, as you can see I have pretty strong feelings about Shakespeare and his plays. In the 21 st century, spending time with the confusion that is Shakespeare is about as useful as training doctors in the value of bleeding their patients as a means of correcting a problem with the four humours. By examining the great works of other cultures and religions we can learn about a major part of the world. Through the literature of many different parts of the world theyre concerns will be understandable to us and well show our willingness to meet the rest of the world, not throw forts built of iambic pentameter with the occasional rhyming couplet to securely glue the walls together. If we ignore the future to sort of celebrate the western literary past well have a disaster of global proportions. Works Cited 1. William Shakespeare, Macbeth. Toronto: Longmans Canada. 1965

Monday, October 14, 2019

Compare and Contrast the different quality philosophy, systems and approaches

Compare and Contrast the different quality philosophy, systems and approaches The various quality approaches and systems are the Deming philosophy, the Juran approach, the Crosby system, six sigma and other approaches. These are the various philosophies that are available to an operations manager in assessing the quality and suitability of systems in an organization that can be applied for increasing efficiency and gains .The various quality approaches are briefly explained as under: Deming Philosophy: Based in improving the products and services by reducing uncertainty and variability in the design and manufacturing processes. Variation is considered the only reason for poor quality. Variations in parts of pieces in manufacturing leads to wear and premature failure. Better quality leads to less rework, fewer delays and better use of factor inputs. It includes profound knowledge consisting of four stages -appreciation for a system, some knowledge of theory of variation, theory of knowledge and psychology. Based on these four aspects Deming had devised 14 points of quality management. (Chambers, Johnston, Slack, 2007) Juran philosophy: The Juran philosophy is based upon the companys current strategic planning and minimum risk in rejections. He states in his quality management program that different employees at different levels of the organization hold different factors as priority top management holds money as important and speaks in money terms, workers hold things as important and mid management holds both the things and money as important and can speak for in money as well as things terms. His method of quality management focuses on the interdependencies of functions of manufacturing, process control, testing and feedbacks and that the quality system needs to be continuous and never ending. The three aspects of quality called quality trilogy are important -quality planning, quality control and quality improvement. (Greasley, 2007) Crosby philosophy: Crosby philosophy on quality management is based upon the absolutes of quality management and basic elements of improvement .The absolutes of quality management are: quality is conformance to requirements not elegance, there is no such thing as a quality problem, no such thing as economics of quality, the only performance measure is cost of quality, the only performance standard is zero defects , and the basic elements of improvement include determination, education and implementation. Six Sigma: It is a quality improvement approach which is a statistical tool and stands for the six standard deviations from the mean .It provides the techniques and tools for improving capability and reducing defects in the industry. Benchmarking: It is a process of measurement of internal processes and then the identification, understanding and adaptation of outstanding practices from the best companies in the industry. ISO 9000:US based quality standards called the Q9000-1994 series were recognized by about 100 countries and also by Japan .These standards were to define quality system that guide a companys performance of specified requirements in areas of design, development, production, installation and service. Continuous improvement: implies that the organization and its efforts are directed in a incremental and breakthrough improvement which is continuous at the sametime. These activities should be a part of daily regular part of daily work, seek to eliminate problems at their source and be driven by opportunities to do better and rectify problems that are needed to be corrected. (Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman, 2006) Thus when the regular cycles of planning, execution and evaluation are being conducted a quantifiable measure of continuous improvement needs to be assessed. Kaizen system: It is a system for quality improvement from internal sources and within the firm rather than from outside sources. It means in Japanese change for better. It is also continuous and ongoing improvement. TQM: Total quality management is a description of the culture, attitude and organization of the company that requires quality in all aspects of the operations with things being done right the first time and defects eliminated or eradicated from operations completely. Comparison and Contrast: The various quality philosophies and approaches determine quality to be achieved by the organization in respect of various aspects of quality in an organization and not necessarily dependent on any one approach or philosophy. The philosophy of Deming is a 14 point programme for evaluating and implementing quality and philosophy of Juran emphasizes the importance of quality training for reduction in failure costs, higher productivity and emphasizes data collection and analysis. Whereas the Crosby philosophy implies the behavioral aspects in quality, more emphasis is on management processes for changing culture and attitudes than relying on statistical techniques. But it does not provide finer details on quality management and bases itself on management thinking instead. Thus Crosby approach is more easily fit into the company and does not have implementation problems faced in implementing Deming philosophy but it has issues of being not acceptable worldwide or being that popular. Many issues exist in being able to interpret what ISO 9000 exactly is and its definition whereas few others suggest that its usefulness is questionable considering the high implementation costs in many small and medium sized companies. Although it is being implemented in successful companies by majority and is hugely popular measure/approach. (Shim et al., 1999) In Kaizen approach the human processes are important, processes evolve by gradual changes; improvement is based on statistical and quantitative performance measurement, requires trust between managers and employees. In Six Sigma approach the process of measuring variation is important .It is a statistical tool, quite effective and hugely popular. Benchmarking as a quality approach is a one off exercise not necessarily continuous helps the organization strategically and is outward looking into the industry and market the company serves. Continuous improvement is a learning paradigm which involves learning enhancement by continuous changes in the organization. TQM is an integrated approach to quality, with total resource deployment and no exceptions to quality as a standard. Thus in contrast whereas one of the approaches is a statistical tool other approaches are basic principles on effective management and whereby they take advantage in being specific and distinct from the others at the sametime they lose more on grounds of effectiveness .But many of such approaches do implement successful quality improvements in organizations leading to becoming more popular. For example six sigma was applied in Motorola, benchmarking was started by Xerox etc. (Reid Sanders, 2004) Whereas the kaizen approach involves greater trust from managers and employees alike the stress from TQM is on integration and involvement .On the other hand the continuous improvement is a management paradigm for continuously implementing changes the benchmarking is a standalone exercise in quality assessment and improvement. Thus similar comparisons can be drawn from the quality approaches and philosophies and further analysis can be made. Analyze the differences and evaluate the impact of these differences on innovation, change and competitiveness. The differences of various quality approaches and philosophies indicate that the quality can be measurable from various standpoints and tools of statistics, from various aspects of processes in organization, from output and inputs and from productivity of factor inputs .There is a wide manner of employing quality in an organization and many concepts in management can be applicable here. The most important differences are in being either traditional method, in being a one off measure, an integrated approach, statistical tool, based on manager relations and trust, continuous change and a standard acceptable by the authorities. The impact of these differences on change, innovation and competitiveness can be gauged from various standpoints. The impacts for various change management techniques can be assessed and Realized on these aspects as enumerated below: (Schroeder, 2005) The impact on change of the differences among the quality approaches and philosophies: Change The change in an organization due to quality approaches is evident from the fact that without continuous change and improvement the quality programme would be rendered ineffective. The quality programmes are initiated and lead to changes in organization because of following reasons: I. The change in customer perceptions is ongoing and therefore when an organization accepts the product design and development the first year the changes in preference and buying behavior the next year might suggest that there would indeed be more than the demand for the specific product or service. Therefore the change in demand pattern requires that the company be involved in redesigning of the product afresh and this is costly and time consuming. Hence due to changes in customer perceptions the changes in product design from quality perspective becomes apparent .The various approaches and their differences impact the assurance and reliability of specific approaches for quality programme selection in that the benchmarking approach which is one off is reliable since it can be initiated in few days and can be carried out any time of the year. An integrated approach like TQM on the other hand can address most of changes in demand by being able to be integrated from before the percepti ons of consumer start changing. Kaizen can be applicable but trust and interpersonal relations effectiveness cannot be built in a year and therefore the quality programme and its impact on change in organizations effectiveness might lead to further issues .The statistical tool of Six Sigma is a healthier alternative by being cost effective and easy to implement although both six sigma and ISO 9000 have problems in being interpreted and understood properly. (Schroeder, 1993) II Competition is continuous in the environment or market place implying that for the organization to keep ahead it needs to change implement continuously .Although the market is dynamic the organization faces constraints in time and cost .The impact of various quality programmes is effective for few approaches only like the approach of TQM which is integrative of all the factors in management and organization ,also the approach of Crosby is effective since it is based on the quality standards and thinking style which needs to be effective for management thinking in an organization facing highly competitive market. The approach of Deming and Juran impact if applied only when the organization is ready to implement such programmes due to their traditional nature and the impact takes longer time to predict as both the philosophies have implementation problems. The approach of six sigma, continuous improvement is more applicable and worthwhile when the change becomes highly impacted in s hort period of time and in lesser costs than for other approaches. (Stevenson, 2001) III The change in organizations is also impacted specifically when it is acknowledged that the change in systems and processes however sensibly designed would become obsolete after a time period and the complicacy involved adds to further changes being impacted. The philosophy of Juran and Crosby if implemented have lesser impacts since by then a change managed mindset has evolved as also in TQM and continuous improvement approaches. Whereas for implementing the Deming programme in quality the implementation and successful change management might take few years but once set there could be huge successes .The processes and management thinking if are accepting six sigma and ISO9000 standards then the quality philosophy would impact greatly the change in the structure, processes, culture of the organization and bring simplified answers to complex measurement and qualitative aspects. Competitiveness The differences in philosophies also impact greatly the competitiveness of the organization in different ways .The various philosophies and their impact on the organization with regard to competitiveness is in the following ways: Cost reduction :The Deming, Juran and Crosby approaches imply greater reduction in costs and lead to higher cost efficiencies and scale of operations if applied for few years and having overcome the initial implementation issues. The continuous improvement, Six sigma and ISO9000 standards of quality also improve the effectiveness in costs if applied and interpreted correctly .The kaizen philosophy does not indicate costs reduction that easily since it takes time for trust and long term effectiveness to materialize .The benchmarking process indicates the slack areas pretty quickly and if applied continuously the results can be successful in bringing more competitiveness. Productivity :Out of the given approaches the Crosby and Juran approach lead to greater increase in productivity than the Deming philosophy in short term only whereas the continuous improvement philosophy implies that the competitiveness increases in much lesser time duration and lesser costs .Six sigma and ISO9000 would tend to be better in estimating the level of competitiveness and productivity for the organization .The benchmarking and Continuous improvement approach are also highly recommended for enhancing the productivity and competitiveness in the company. Kaizen philosophy has more than required impact on enhancing competitiveness and productivity as it involves each and every manager and as well as employee. Differentiation: The effect of these quality approaches on product design differentiation is more marked .The product can be classified as custom, option oriented and standard in designs. The design differentiation is applicable for Juran and Crosby philosophy which indicate better results when their impact on implementation for changing custom and option oriented product designs are better than the standard products. Also the Continuous improvement, Kaizen and benchmarking are highly effective in determining the best changes in design for the market is ever changing and the competitiveness based on differentiation strategy could be the marked presence for competing companies. The six sigma and ISO9000 can deliver better if they are combined with a strategic perspective rather being utilized in a standalone environment. Innovation The competitiveness and increase in number of industries competing for market share has increased in the past decade. This has been leading the companies fighting in the market place scenario for developing innovative products and inventions through rigorous research and development programs .The innovations and inventions enhance credibility in a fast changing environment .The philosophy of Juran and Crosby are highly effective whereas Deming philosophy takes time to implement .The six sigma and ISO 9000 have been highly appreciated as being successful programs in delivering innovations and building needs for greater enhancement in quality from new products and services. Whereas the Kaizen philosophy has impacted innovations to a great extent yet the problem of long term applicability from human relations perspective has lessened its applicability. The continuous improvement and benchmarking have found to be effective in developing the new products directly rather than approaching i ssue from other standpoints. (Stevenson, 2008) Recommend actions that organizations might take to improve its existing quality approach with respect to their impact on innovation, change and competitiveness, and identify any areas that need further analysis. The various approaches and quality programmes have been able to deliver their impact on change, competitiveness and innovation .The Company and organizations ability to enhance the quality is stemming from the various issues and situations that the company would necessarily be facing in the real time. Thus for the company and organization to evaluate the different approaches impact and selecting the right combination of strategies would be important. The varied approaches and scenarios would then be based upon following factors: culture, life cycle study of organization, size of organization, money budget, Time period for implementation. Quality programme will be implemented that best suites the organization and its level of management culture and involvement. Thus the Kaizen philosophy which is highly cost effective and has a thinking style would be appreciated if it is applied in an organization which is small to medium size, with sensible budget, has time for evaluating quality responses internally, has an independent and welcoming culture .The programme for Deming philosophy would be best applicable in a large organization with higher budget, greater requirement for innovations and change management and greater time for application .If the culture is appreciable then the quality programme would also be greatly and easily applicable. The benchmarking can be effective along with continuous improvement in the organizations where budgets are limited, highly competitive environment and change is crucial for survival. The Juran and Crosby philosophies are applicable for those companies and organizations where the need for implementing change as cultural factor is important, which have bigger budgets with medium time and conflicts in culture are more marked. The approach of ISO9000 and six sigma are also applicable to firms which have innovation and change management in highly competitive environment, whose budgets are smaller and need for growth is large .The application of TQM is only applicable when it is started early on in an organization since the total quality approach requires greater integration and applicability of the respective quality approach in an organization which is facing budget costs, need for innovation continuously and requires change management as well. It could be a large or small company with limited or unlimited budget. The areas needing further analysis and work in quality improvement in organizations are huge and great in number. One can enumerate few aspects which need to be cleared in the meantime like benchmarking with respect to innovation and cost reduction ,reengineering processes ,measurement of quality from better scales, quality team building and management, quality circles in different organizations, evaluations of quality programmes with respect to availability of data on sales and revenues from including change management and other strategies. This area of research where the availability of multitude of factors impinge upon the given quality level therefore is a growing area of management and developing work in this area would lead to further benefits. (Waters, 1999) Conclusion Due to the nature of quality management as being a latest phenomenon of the 20th century it is a highly unorthodox concept which needs to be evaluated in the light of current changes and improvements in market behavior of suppliers and buyers both at the same time as also the increase in competitiveness and innovativeness in organizations along with increases in change management styles .therefore the study has been important in highlighting the need for quality approach for a particular company from the required abilities and situations .The realization of benefits of the quality programme have been therefore been found as applicable to the organizations operations management which have been able to implement such programmes with success. Success in implementation further depends upon the quality of selection of programme with respect to situation and scenario analysis.Expert advice and comments with the organizations is not available in easy way and has high costs and fees. Thus it is expected that the firm or organization which would be intending to have quality programme for effectiveness in operations would ascertain the applicability of the programme and then buy the programme from a suitable expert or develop one internally. The learning from the quality approaches and philosophies has been greater in recognizing the worth of quality in managing organizations and that is started early onwards quality improvement and correct estimation could lead to better results in long term and strategically positioning the company. The ability of the company in being able to ascertain competitiveness, change management and innovations is highly likely to grow with the years to come as research gathers pace in this area. At the moment the respective situation analysis and proper utilization of correct quality programme is the only actionable criteria. From the above quality study I have gathered that as a manager for a given organization the quality improvement guidelines that I have come across are highly important in making me discover the respective ability and impact on the organization and management. The level of quality improvements and future work that would be applicable would be the concern areas which I would be intending to study as part of my efforts in gaining further knowledge and learning in other disciplines. Although the study has been highly informative and guided through the process I would be of opinion that a larger study on quality management and its imperatives for operations management is further possible.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Peoples’ Bank: Linking Business Strategy and Human Resource Management :: Human Resources Essays

The role of human resource management is one of strategic partner, administrative expert, and consultant (managing all of the organization’s people related processes strategically). It is the job of hr management in to recognize that decreased turnover, higher employee morale, and involved employees in the decision making process are all optimal in providing key leverage in an organization’s strategic plan. Management integrate strategic hr management with the organization’s strategy formulation. This means that management has searched the organization and its environment for opportunities and initiated projects and decisions to bring about changes that are both advantageous and competitive for the organization. Through this integration, HR policies must â€Å"cohere and be accepted across all company policy areas and across all hierarchies in the company†. These same HR policies had to be turned into practices that were used by both managers and employees as part of their everyday work. The hr management role has changed tremendously from being a mostly personnel function, consisting primarily of a lot of paper pushing, hiring and firing, to being totally responsible for the maximization of â€Å"human capital effectiveness†. Which primarily creates a better-trained, more flexible workforce that will add more to the bottom line. Peoples’ Bank went through some organizational restructuring in order to stay competitive in the market. As a result of the changes that were made in the Bank’s System, HR Management had to do research and analysis in order to scan the banks new environment to see what types of employees would be needed with the â€Å"new strategy’s skill and organizational requirements. This was a use of HR’s information management skills, which was followed by HR’s integration and change skills to manage the organizational interfaces, assess the organizations skills (or the curren t values of the banks human resource investment), set priorities, anticipate the future, and facilitate the changes. This is an excellent example of HR Management’s role being at every level of the strategic planning process. At Peoples’ Bank, â€Å"massive changes began to take place in the business environment of banking with deregulation and the relaxation of ceilings on interest†. This affected what people actually did with their money and where they actually put their money; and these two factors affected the whole money market system of banking. This especially affected the competition between the different levels of banks (regional, district, and local) for various (but the same) sources of funds.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

the red badge of courage :: essays research papers

A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Red Badge of Courage written by Stephen Crane B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This novel traces the effects of war on a Union Soldier named Henry Fleming. C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story begins with Henry Fleming’s dreams of being a soldier, to enlistment, and then to battle in the Civil War. His dream was to be a war hero and to be adored for his amazing achievements. It was his decision to make, even though his mother was against the idea of going to war. Since there was nothing happening during his monotonous life on the farm, he finally decided to enlist.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ironically, even after he enlists, he finds himself sitting around. He made two new friends named John Wilson and Jim Conklin. Wilson was as excited about going to war as Fleming, but Conklin was confident about the success of the new regiment. Henry began to realize that his regiment was just wandering aimlessly. Eventually, Henry began to think about the battles differently. He started to become afraid that he might run from the fight.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Finally when the regiment discovers a battle, Jim gives Henry a packet in a yellow envelope, telling Henry that this will be his first and last battle. The regiment managed to hold off the rebels for the first charge, but then the rebels came back with the reinforcements driving back the regiment. One man attempted to flee, then another, and the situation soon began to snow ball. Henry became scared and confused when he saw his forces losing horribly. He finally got up and ran for cover.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Henry started to rationalize his behavior of running from the enemy. His first impression was that he was a coward. Later, he began to see how he saved his own life. He felt that nature did not want him to die even though his side was losing. He believed that he was intelligent for running and hopes that he will die in battle, just for spite. Henry then met up with Jim who watched their acquaintance die slowly. In the next charge, Henry starts asking the soldiers why they are running. He grabbed a fellow by the arm and asked him, not willing to let go. The man hit Henry over the head with the butt of his gun, giving him his first Red Badge of Courage. Henry stumbles around for a while until a cheery man comes up and helps him. At his regiment he confronts Wilson to ask him if he needs any help with his wound. He then gets back into battle.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Photostory Essay Essay

This essay is to comment on my photo story that I did for my coursework, I will be talking about various things like the lighting, costumes and mise-en-scene, what they did for the photo story and how it helped. The genre I chose for my photo story was a sports genre. I thought it would appeal to the vast majority of male readers of around 14-18 years old, as it is a football magazine, which I have called â€Å"The Kick-A-Bout Crew.† I think that the story I chose would also interest younger readers as an incident like this one could crop up in their everyday lives. In a newsagent’s local to me, most of the space for papers and comics had been taken up by football magazines; this is partly why I used a football idea. If I were to sell my magazine, I would be very confident that my target audience would be teenage boys, and my grey market would be female readers as they are not likely to want to read football stories very often in most cases, but not unheard of. I would be very satisfied with this target audience. The way my story was narrated was through caption boxes and speech bubbles; this made my story quite easy to understand without too much difficulty. My captions were being placed at the bottom of a photo, to be read first, while the speech bubbles on the photo, perhaps slipping onto the background of the document to make sure that they didn’t cover up the characters faces. I placed my speech bubbles in the direction the story’s pictures were placed, normally flowing from left to right so as to make it easier to read. I used many different camera angles, to subtly highlight the events occurring in my story. For my first photo, I took an establishing shot from a fairly long distance away, taking it from a high angle to symbolize the fact that the boys are really just kids, innocent in youth and also to show the readers were the story takes place. In my second photo I take the photo as a medium shot, from a slightly low angle, so that it appears to the readers that the watching boy is much taller physically and symbolically than Paul and Jimmy showing that he is more important. For my third and fourth shots, I used eye-level close-ups that display the clear emotion on both of the boy’s faces, to depict to the readers the emotions of the boys and put the readers in their positions. The fifth photo is simply an eye-level medium shot that was the plainest and most obvious way to show the audience what is happening quite clearly. When my main character, Paul, gets tackled, the photo is taken from a high angle from a medium distance for the first view of it, to show the vulnerability of Paul to the audience before switching to an eye-level close-up to make the readers see how cheap the tackle was. The next shot is taken back to a high-angle showing the discomfort and pain that Paul is feeling, making him pitiful to the audience and to make them feel sorry for him, whilst not showing the boy, who is helping Paul up in the same light. For the next shot I used another eye-level medium shot, with a slight over-the-shoulder feel to it were you see Jimmy listening in behind the two talking boys, to show his sly jealous side to the more judgmental of the readers. For my penultimate shot I used an eye-level long shot to fit the characters all in but not leave too much background so the audience are drawn to the colour and action of the shot. And finally I used an eye-level close-up of Jimmy getting punched; the camera is supposedly a first-person view from Paul, to make the audience feel as though they’re throwing the punch. I think that all of these different angles have really illustrated the point that I was trying to make in each photo, they help keep the readers entertained and even kind of involved and would easily help them to understand the characters. I used particular colours in my background to lure my reader’s attention and immediately tell them the type of story I have chosen. I used a background of green and white like a football field and had the title set against a black and white football, in the actual title the word â€Å"foul† was a chilling blood red in the style of chiller. For each of my photos I used a different colour for each caption boxes to try and not make the page too boring and also to try and describe the photos, for instance at the start of the story where it is just a friendly kick about the caption box is a merry yellow, while proceeding through the story coming to the tackle it has slowing turned to a violent shade of scarlet. I shot my photo story at Dundonald Playing Fields as it fitted in with the story and provided a good mise-en-scene. It’s in the grounds of a shabby looking high school to show that these kids lead a normal school life and this is their day to day surroundings, a the dual carriage way in the background shows how busy the place is and stands for their urban lives. I also used different costumes to display the type of characters starring in my photo story. Jimmy wore a black tracksuit to show him as the villain, while Paul wore a green and grey Northern Ireland tracksuit, to show that he is not exactly good as gold either, but generally decent and has strong loyalties. The boy watching is wearing a bright red Man U top to show that he is very friendly and is chasing a spot on Manchester United Youth team. The only lighting was the afternoon sky that made it seem as though they were still at school having a lunch-time game. The football and the goalposts fitted in nicely with the story giving it that sporty touch. I also added a competition to star in the magazine, which I thought would really grab the reader’s attention and spread the word to their friends. These are all the devices and techniques I used to make the story interesting, eye-catching and comprehendible.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Internship Report on Hr Practices in Popular Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Essay

The term industrial tour refers to the process of preparing report on an industry by visiting it physically, observing its production process and gathering relevant data from the management personnel, analyzing and evaluating data, and findings and drawing comment on the performance of the industry. As the part of 4th year, we have visited Industrial Hand Protection Ltd (IHPL). It was established in Bangladesh as a foreign Direct Investment(FDI).It is located in the area of Chittagong Export Processing Zone(CEPZ).It is established as Private Ltd company. It produces hand gloves for export only. It has no market in Bangladesh at present. It collects raw materials like yarn from different countries and convert raw material into finished goods. After that it exports those in different countries according to head office. Now a days Bangladesh is emerging as a leading economic region in South East Asia and there is an increasing competition between national and International Corporation. Since Industrial Hand Protection is a global company, it has to compete with the international corporation. Since the business environment is now highly competitive, customers are the king .As a result all companies are developing their products to satisfy their customer. IHPL is also developing its product and maintaining its quality according to their customer needs. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The basic or main purpose of report is to learn practical knowledge about business world for balancing the gap of our industrial policy in the modern job market. The objectives of this industrial tour are as below: i) The prime objective of the study is to know the production process of the company, types of raw materials and sources of the raw materials. ii) To know the management system of the industry. iii) To assess the potentiality strength and weakness of the company. iv) To identify an overview of Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. IMPORTANCE OF THE TOUR Now a day’s practical knowledge is mostly emphasized on business perspective. For this reason, industrial tour does a great work to achieve practical knowledge. After visiting Industrial Hand Protection Ltd we have gathered a huge practical knowledge like controlling system, training facilities, management system, and promotional system, production system and so on. We further know about the compensation policy, pricing policy, purchase & sales procedure, sources of raw materials and transportation system as well. METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY Today’s study is conducted primarily in participatory research analysis method and secondary on practical and theoretical analysis. The research supervisor proposed research topic and thus questionnaire was made. This questionnaire was placed before the official of IHPL & subject to the approval of the research supervisor to provide their answers. Practical visit took place subsequently. Primary and secondary data was collected from every possible source. The primary sources are as follows: ⠝â€" Face-to-face conversation with the respective offices and stuffs of the branch. ⠝â€" Piratical work experience in the different desk of the department of the branch covered. ⠝â€" Observation of the production and management sector of the company. ⠝â€" Face-to-face conversation with production related employees ⠝â€" Related field study as provided by the officer The secondary sources of data and the information are: ⠝‘ Annual report ⠝‘ Web site address ⠝‘ Book basis articles Brochure provided by the company, catalogue, prospectus Limitation of the Study We tried our level best to collect information as much as necessary to prepare a perfect report on Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. Since the people of Bangladesh have a negative approach regarding research, it is very difficult to conduct a research in our country. As a result we face a lot of problems in collecting information. They are very much indifferent to provide relevant information. So we prepared this report on the available information we are able to collect from different sources. The limitations of the study are given below: †¢ Industrial Tour is organized for only one day. As a result it is very difficult to collect as much as information required preparing report. †¢ Some information is very much confidential. So they do not provide that information. †¢ Most of the officials are so busy to provide us enough time for discussion. †¢ It is established in Bangladesh in 2010.So we are unable to collect much information. †¢ Employees have the negativ e concept regarding the research. So they would not like to provide much information. †¢ They have no well organized website, annual financial report, magazine, and any periodical report. So to collect secondary data we have got very limited area. Brief History About Industrial Tour Industrial tour is very crucial for the BBA program. So during the BBA program every student needs to visit in any organization to gain practical knowledge which will help to make a connection between the theoretical and practical knowledge. Since we are the students of 4th year of the BBA program, we visited an industry named Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. At first our teachers made a group of four members. Our teacher along with the students fixed a date to visit the company. It was 30th June, 2012. On the due date we gathered in front of the shopping complex at 7.30 am. Teacher and all members came there in time. After taking breakfast we started our journey for IHPL under the direct supervision of our teacher named Anupam Kumar Das, lecture, Department of Management Studies, University of Chittagong. Surprisingly we got a guest teacher named Mr.Shanewas Mahmod Sohel, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, University of Chittagong. We reached at IHPL at 8.30 am. Mr.shihab Uddin, HRofficer, received us cordially and took us to the conference room. They provide us some snacks and tea as a breakfast. All personnel of the organization came and introduced with us at 9.00am.Mr.K.M.Arif Mohin Uddin gives a brief speech about what we will do during our tour and provided us the schedule of the activities of the tour. After completing the introduction, Mr.Akber Haqqani(DGM),Head of production provided a speech about the history of MIDAS, its mission, vision, and the present scen ario of it. He also described about the potentiality of it. He showed the overall picture of organization. We were listening the speech attentively. Because his presentation was very nice, easy to understand, clear and interesting. He also gave us an opportunity to ask any questions about IHPL. After the presentation we took a tea break according to the schedule at10.30 am. Then Mr.shihab Uddin, HRofficer, gave a presentation about the functions of Admin& Personnel Department. He described what HR Department does for motivating employees and achieves higher productivity. He also described how they evaluate their strength and weakness, opportunity and threats. After that he gave us opportunities to ask something and we asked different questions and noted answers. After that Mr.K.M.Arif Moin Uddin told very briefly about how to develop our career plan. Then Mr.Shihab Uddin and Mr.K.M.Arif Mohin Uddin (Manager Admin& Personnel) took us to visit the factory. We visited the whole factory and directly observed how they are producing different hand gloves and prepared them for final sell and the packaging process. They produce the gloves through two processes. One is automated process and another is semi-automated process. We saw that at first production engineer prepared a mixture of chemical .Then raw gloves was sunk into it. There were two boilers which are used for heating the gloves. Production engineer told us about the whole production process in detail. They also told us they will increase the number of boilers if the  government provides available gas and electricity. We saw that the production process is not so simple. It is very complex. Gigantic set up of compliance and its movement is glared and flickered to us. All production engineers clarifies how the gloves are made and about their features. After that we went to the warehouse. We saw that they had a very large warehouse. By visiting factory we had got a overall view of the production process, maintaining quality, and stored process. After that we took lunch with Mr.K.M.Arif Mohin Uddin and Mr.shihab Uddin, HRofficer, at pm. After taking lunch, we went back to our conference room. After tea break Mr.Adnan Peerzada from Pakistan, Deputy Manager, Fin.&com. gave a brief presentation on the responsibility of a good manger at2.00 pm. He is very sincere, co-operative and cordial. He shared with us about his personal life. He told us how he developed his career in practical. He also said shortly about supply chain management. He tried to provide a clear concept of supply chain management with a practical example. After that Mr.K.M.Arif Mohin Uddin invited us to discuss the total production process of the total plant in the conference room. He described the whole production process in brief and we noted it. After that different heads of the department as Manager Admin &Personnel, Deputy Manager of Fin. & Com. Production Engineers, AM-QA&QC, and HRO came to conference room and invited us to ask different questions about IHPL. We along with our teachers asked a number of questions regarding any confusion. They answered all questions nicely and very clearly. At last we can say that all the personnel of the organization were very much co-operative, friendly, and helpful. Our industrial tour formally was finished at 4.00 pm. GENERAL IDEA ABOUT INDUSTRIAL HAND PROTECTION LTD. (IHPL) MIDAS was started in 1975 in Pakistan. The owner of the organization was from Gujarat. The operated area of it is in India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Canada and Middle east country. The name of the sub-project of MIDAS is Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. It was located in Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ).It is only related with production of different types of hand gloves. It does all production according to the policy of head office which is situated in Canada. Head office determines all types of  production, marketing, financial policy. Industrial Hand Protection Ltd implements the policy that is taken by head office. IHPL collects raw materials from Malaysia and others countries. Then it converts these into finished products and export other countries directed by head office. It produces different types of industrial gloves for the purpose of export. IHPL is fully export oriented industry. It runs its production in two ways. One is automated production and another i s semi-automated production. It exports mainly in USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, India, Holland, Spain etc. At present it does not sell any products in our country. It also maintains large warehouses for ensuring same day services .Their market share in the world is 35 millions. Sales Volume in 2012 is 300 millions and their targeted profit in 2020 is 1200 millions. Their sourcing office is China in 2010. They mostly export in India and USA. Their manufacturing Locations are India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Canada Company Profile Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. Company Profile 1. Name the company: Industrial Hand Protection Ltd.(IHPL) 2. Present Address: Plot No.6, Sector 1A, Road No.5, C.E.P.Z, Chittagong-4223, Bangladesh. 3. Head Office address: Chittagong Export Processing Zone(CEPZ) 4. Location of the factory: Chittagong Export Processing Zone(CEPZ) 5. Year of establishment: 2010 6. Initiative organization to establish this industry: Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) 7. Type of operation: Production Oriented. 8. Year of starting its production: November, 2010. 9. Total number of employees: 600 10. Nature of ownership: Wholly Owned 11. Type of company: Both Labor and Capital Intensive. 12. Legal status of the company: Private Ltd. Company 13. Purpose of production:100%Export oriented 14. Production Area: Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ) 15. Head office : Canada. 16. Two types : Garments and Gloves. 17. Gloves production in Bangladesh: Automated process Semi-Automated process 18. Market: United States of America, Europe, Asia, Africa, 19. Exporting Countries: USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, SOUTH AFRICA, SPAIN, RUSSIA, HOLAND, INDIA 20. Market share in the world: 35 millions 21. Sales 2012: 300 millions. 22. Sales 2020: 1200 millions. 23. Most Exported Countries: India and USA. 24. Annual Export Volume: $90,00000 25. Manufacturing Location: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Canada. 26. Product concern: Largest. Winning Strategies †¢ Effective Human Resource department resulted in a strong professional management and marketing team. †¢ Independent governing advisory boards in different countries. †¢ Strong purchase and finance departments in all MIDAS location with excellent relationship with banks. †¢ Establishment of different training centre for customer’s stuff, employees and new employees. †¢ Time and money spend to create brand value †¢ Establishment of large warehouse and same day service. †¢ Huge investment in research and development including 30% of time for improving existing product and 70% on new innovative product and process. †¢ Straight short line production with improved quality product. †¢ Team spirit, open communication and co-ordination among team members. †¢ Marketing by Web on cloud computing. Key Personnel of IHPL . Key Human Resource personnel of IHPL Mission And Vision of (IHPL) Vision 2020: To be one of the leading 5 safety companies in the world Mission: 1. Great team work. 2. Quality And innovative production. 3. Brand recognition in emerging world market. Gaining Drivers of Industrial Hand protection ltd(IHPL) †¢ Innovation: IHPL expends a lot amount for the purpose of innovative workers. About 70%of R&D is used for innovation of the product. †¢ Experienced Employees: Most of the employees of the IHPL are so much experienced. Because continuous training program is followed by the organization. †¢ Co-operation: Co-operation is the main driver of the higher productivity. Co-operation among the departments and that of the employees is important for achieving the goal effectively and efficiently. Since IHPL follows the participative management it can able to ensure co-operation. †¢ Quality Maintained: They maintain the standard quality of the product. They produce the customized product. They have a good monitoring team to continuously monitor the quality of the product. †¢ Human Resources Leadership: A good leaders exist in the organization. They create vision and directed the all employees toward the achievement of the organizational goal. †¢ Update Technology: They import the updated technology and used in the production process. As a result they have been able to automatize the production process the productivity of the employees has increased rapidly. †¢ Team Work: Team work is the best for increasing productivity of the employees. They have made a number of groups consisting of 24 members in each group and assign their target that must be achieved within a specific period of time period of time. Overal View of Organizational Strategy [pic] Main Themes of The Company †¢ Service. †¢ Quality. †¢ Cost Competitiveness. †¢ Innovation †¢ Organizational Structure. Core Safety Values SWOT Analysis of the IHPL Competencies of the Industrial Hand Protection ltd. †¢ Customer Focus †¢ Delegation. †¢ Motivating Others †¢ Customization. †¢ Perseverance. Management The key points of management practices of IHPL are discussed below: Management Style: IHPL follows the Line & Staff Management style. There are four level of management in this organization. There is no managing committee in this organization. Planning Process: Planning is the set of activities such as selecting missions and objectives and the actions to achieve them, it also includes decision making. IHPL also has a strong planning process in which the authority has to formulate these plans. Most of the times top-level management makes decision. IHPL takes plans for intermediate term. Goals and Objectives: Objectives or goals are as Milestone where organization and individual activities are directed and it wants to reach. Objectives are state end results. Clear and verifiable objectives facilitate measurement of the surplus as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of managerial actions. IHPL considers, to be one of the leading 5 safety Co’s of the world as a vision of setting organizational goals and objectives. Specialization and Departmentalization: This organization follows work specialization for every employee. Work specialization refers to every employees should specialized in the particular field. MIDAS does not follow generalization. And it generally follows the departmentalization. MIDAS has eight departments. Span of Control: Span of Control means the number of subordinates a manager can effectively and efficiently direct. Wider span are more efficient in term of cost. However at some point wider pan reduce effectiveness. That is, when the span becomes too large, employee performance suffers because supervisors no longer have the times to provide the necessary leadership and support. Narrow span have three major drawbacks. * They are expensive because they add level of management * They make vertical communication in the organization more complex * Narrow span of control encourage overly tight supervision and discourage employees autonomy. IHPL follows narrow span of control and manage effectively. Decision Making: Decision-making is defined as selection of a course of action from among alternatives; it is at the core of planning. Decision-making may be either centralized or decentralized. The decision making process of that organization is centralized by the authority while taking strategic decision. IHPL also follows participative management in decision making. [pic] Production Department Simply, Production is the process of converting raw materials into finished goods that have utility values. Production refers to the processes and methods employed to transform tangible input(materials,semifinished goods,or subassemblies)and intangible inputs(ideas, information, knowledge) into goods or services. Production management refers to the job of coordinating and controlling the activities required making a product, typically involving effective control of scheduling, cost, performance, quality, and waste requirements. IHPL production system is customer based. So IHPL production system is intermittent. IHPL production planning and production scheduling is order based. Basic raw materials and sources of raw materials: |Raw materials |Sources of raw materials | |Chemical |International and local suppliers | |Yarn |International and local suppliers | Problems in procuring raw-materials: †¢ Rising cost †¢ More time to collect raw material †¢ Frequent change in price Overcome in procuring raw materials: †¢ Building loyal relationship with suppliers †¢ Better transportation Types of Products There are different kinds of hand gloves are producing IHPL. Products are as follows – * Journey gloves * Industrial gloves * Chemical resistance gloves * Hit resistance gloves * Fashion garments gloves * Medical gloves * Cut resistance gloves * Sports gloves etc Uses of Gloves [pic] Production process of hand gloves Total 645 people (574 workers and 74 employees) are worked in IHPL for producing of hand gloves. Raw materials are important for gloves production. How IHPL produces hand gloves that means how chemical and yarn converts into hand gloves? There are two production process of producing hand gloves such as — †¢ Automated hand gloves production procedure and †¢ Semi-automated hand gloves production procedure. We can show it by following flowchart —— Automated hand gloves production procedure (oil based): Semi-automated/Manual hand gloves production procedures (water based): Oil based hand gloves are used for normal or rough use. On the other hand, water based hand gloves are used for different purposes such as glass factory, garments industry, steel industry, knitting industry, medical operation, sports, wok shops, chemical industry etc. HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT Human resource department is responsible for how people are treated in organizations. It is responsible for bringing people into the organization, helping them perform their work, compensating them for their labors and solving problems that arise. Management of human resources is that function of all enterprises which provides for effective utilization of people to achieve both the objectives of the enterprise and the satisfaction and development of the employees. Human resource management differs from traditional personal management. Opening of Human Resource Department signifies growing awareness of the importance of human factor in organizational performance. IHPL’s one of the winning strategies is effective HR dept. resulted in a strong professional management and marketing teams. The role of the HR department on the overall performance of the organization is emphasized by: †¢ Recruitment †¢ Maintenance †¢ Retention of employees FUNCTIONS OF HR DEPARTMENT †¢ Recruitment of workers / staffs through interview ( daily recruitment of workers) †¢ Workers and staff orientation and personal grooming training. †¢ Daily security setup checking †¢ Ensure cleaning in IHPL †¢ Logistics support †¢ Routine co-ordination among suppliers †¢ Attendance analysis and reporting †¢ Leave report maintaining †¢ Co-ordinate BEPZA and government offices †¢ Ensure staff’s salary bank account making †¢ Training information update and arrange recommended training †¢ Ensure health and safety at work †¢ Employee counseling †¢ Expatriate’s work permit †¢ Wastage management †¢ Updates of registration and record †¢ Employee records †¢ PETTY cash management †¢ Employee grievances †¢ Performance appraisal †¢ Job description and job specification †¢ Developing and implementing different policy Performance Management Performance management is the process employers use to make sure that employees are working towards organizational goals. Employee performance of IHPL is appraised on yearly basis and 3 month’s performance review is conducted for this purpose. [pic] High Performance Drivers It tries to maintain high performances through following 3c factors. IHPL do believe that, high performance is the outcome of the multiplication of clarity, capability and commitment. Those are: †¢ Competency. †¢ Capability. †¢ Commitment. It can be expressed as follows:Competency*Capability*Commitment = High Performance Absenteeism And Turnover Absenteeism: An absence refers to time an employee is not on the job during scheduled working hours , except for a granted leave of absence, holiday or vacation time. Turnover: Labor turnover is the rate at which an employer gains and loses employees. Simply we can say â€Å"how long employees tend to stay† or â€Å"the rate of traffic through the revolving door†. Overview of the absenteeism and turnover rate of IHPL Comparison of Satisfactory And Dissatisfactory factors of IHPL THE MAIN AREAS OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT The personnel manager is responsible for all the decisions regarding HRD but before taking any decision he consults with the HR officer. There is an organized HR policy in this type of production oriented company. IHPL’s HR policy is international although it’s an MNC. It’s human resource policy is: †¢ Recruit competent workforce †¢ Training and development of workforce †¢ Retain good workforce by logical benefits and compensation This department is of highest significance as IHPL do believe that â€Å" Our Strength is Our People† Co’s policy regarding HR planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, training and performance management and reward system are discussed in the following segment of the paper: HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING HR planning is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill and how to fill them. The main task of HRD is a good HR planning. HR planning, in turn, involves job analysis and forecasting the demand and supply of labor. JOB ANALYSIS An organization consists of positions that have to be staffed. Job analysis is the procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it. It’s one of the most important task that performed by the HR staff. Through job analysis, the vacant position is found out and the job description and the job specification is prepared. In case of job analysis, IHPL follows 3types of methods: †¢ Observation method †¢ Structured questionnaire method †¢ Individual interview method Job description Job description is a written statement of what the worker actually does, how he or she does it and what the job’s working conditions are. Job specification The job specification takes the job description and answers the question, â€Å"what human traits and experiences are required to do the job well?† It shows what kind of person to recruit and for what qualities that person should be tested. IHPL conducts job analysis to come up with job evaluation. And for each and every position in it there are job description and job specification. In the selection of employees it follows job specification. RECRUITMENT In case of recruiting employees the company uses †¢ School placement †¢ Employee references †¢ Advertisements To search for required candidates. For advertisements for employee recruitment, IHPL uses: †¢ Daily newspapers †¢ Internet / on-line For skilled jobs for IHPL, the most popular recruiting sources are: †¢ Reference checking †¢ Labor market campaign †¢ Existing employee reference The most popular sources of managerial jobs are: †¢ Newspaper advertisement †¢ Walk in interview SELECTION After recruitment, the company goes for selection procedure. The preparation of a short list of candidates is based on the following criteria: †¢ Competency †¢ Chittagong zone living people †¢ Positively aggressive hard working person For employee selection, the company follows 3 types of selecton tests: †¢ Written tests †¢ Oral tests †¢ Medical tests In the selection process, the sequential steps involved can be shown in the following diagram: [pic] In case of daily worker selection, the procedure is: After selection, the employees are assigned to different types of jobs on the basis of job description. While selecting employees, the problem that the company faces is the lack of competent people TRAINING AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Training is the process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs. In IHPL there is an organized training and development program to develop employee skills and productivity. In determining the training needs of the employees, IHPL considers productivity. 3types of training methods are applied here: †¢ classroom lecture †¢ on the job training †¢ external training after the completion of the training program, employees are assigned to predetermined positions. Performance management is the process employers use to make sure that employees are working towards organizational goals. Employee performance of IHPL is appraised on yearly basis and 3 month’s performance review is conducted for this purpose. IHPL do believe that, high performance is the outcome of the multiplication of clarity, capability and commitment. That is: High Performance = competency* capability * commitment REWARD SYSTEM Before constructing it’s reward system, IHPL evaluates the jobs using Point Method. It sets it’s basic pay based on: †¢ experience †¢ performance †¢ position †¢ academic qualification traditional method of administrative pay is used in here. BEPZA has a great influence on it’s payment system. In order to retain highly experienced people, IHPL uses: †¢ motivation †¢ promotion †¢ providing extra facilities †¢ training benefits provided to the employees are: †¢ house rent †¢ DA / TA Employees get bonus on yearly basis. Facilities are reactive here. Quality Control †¢ QC is a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a manufactured product or performed service adheres to a defined set of quality criteria or meets the requirements of the client or customer. †¢ In Order to implement an effective QC program, an enterprise must first decide which specific standards the products or service must meet. Then the extent of QC actions must be determined. (Ex: the percentage of units to be tested from each lot). Quality Control Procedure in IHPL ââ€" ª In IHPL Quality control procedure is done through internal & buyer consent. ââ€" ª 100% audit (Third party audits from buyer side). ââ€" ª Raw material inspection. ââ€" ª Dangerous article protection (steel fragmented, niddle parts, safety measures). ââ€" ª Accepted Quality level. ââ€" ª Quality accessories and chemical used. ââ€" ª Automated weaving machine. ââ€" ª ISO 9001 : 2008 is followed in case of product Quality control. ââ€" ª Customer expectation and ISO standard are followed for quality measurement. ââ€" ª They have a skilled inspection team for quality control. ââ€" ª This team consists of 24 members. ââ€" ª IHPL has two different maintenance policy for equipment including i. Preventive maintenance policy ii. Repair maintenance policy. Inspection services & testing in IHPL IHPL maintains some inspection services and testing procedures for ensuring product quality including:- Preshipment Inspection: An inspection to guarantee the conformity of production to their specification. Production monitoring: Constant oversight in factory with daily reports on quality and production status. During production check: Control and recommendation for production process and capacity. Initial production check: Inspection of machinery and materials to be used for their product prior to production. Container loading check: Guarantee the finished goods meet their specification (Product type & quality) and are loaded. Labor Management IHPL produces safety hand gloves under Midas Safety has been Protecting the Working Hands of the World. IHPL is a manufacturing unit of Midas Safety, and a thoroughly labor intensive unit also. About 574 labors are working in it with two distinct shifts – Day shift and Night shift. For manage a large number of labor there have a strong labor management unit. This unit recruits, selects, trains, reward and terminate labor. There have no labor union and no CBA also. Labor cannot participate in decision making. IHPL provide food facilities to its worker. It has own canteen for its worker and provide two snacks with tea and lunch for day shift and three snacks with tea and dinner for night shift. Though IHPL situated in CPEZ, thus it need to follow instruction provided by BEPZA. BEPZA labor administration: The BEPZA fixed minimum wages in October 1993 for categories of trainees, unskilled, semiskilled, and skilled workers at US$22 to US$63 per month. These rates have never been revised. The minimum has become the effective maximum. The classification of workers is also done entirely by the employer. Similarly, working hours, paid holiday and other leave, payment of wages, and maternity benefits are all decided unilaterally by management. The BEPZA document, Labor and Industrial Relations, rules that â€Å"BEPZA issues directives from time to time determining minimum wages.† It is understood that the minimum wage, US$22, issued in 1993 still remains valid, although in national laws, periodical revisions are provided for. This salary is less than US$1.00 per day, the criterion used internationally to identify the poor. These issues require collective bargaining and action including strikes if employers do not respond to workers’ demands. Official documents do not indicate h ow an offending employer is punished. There is no regular inspection by BEPZA Labor Administration, nor is there any requirement by employers to report on compliance. Because of this, exemption from the Industrial Relations Ordinance appears highly detrimental to workers’ interests. In February 1986 the government exempted the BEPZA from the Employment of Labor (standing order) Act. A notification in January 1989 also exempted EPZ enterprises from the Factories Act 1965. These two acts related to basic conditions of employment (daily, monthly, casual, etc.), dismissal procedure, and provision of safety, health, and sanitary conditions, including facilities for women workers and their children. Compensation for dismissal is mentioned in the BEPZA booklet on labor and industrial relations. But the reasons for discharge are not covered including arbitral dismissal. According to the BEPZA booklet, reasons for dismissal include physical and mental incapacity and continued ill health, with compensation of one month’s pay for every year of service or any part thereof in excess of six months. But the booklet does not clarify whether such dismissals are scrutinized by BEPZA prior to an employer’s order. Similarly dismissal on grounds of misconduct is permitted â€Å"after due enquiry proceedings,† (presumably by the employer). These provisions are li able to violation of workers’ rights by the employers. Remuneration: †¢ The parliament passed the EPZ Workers Association and Industrial Relations Act 2004(Amended up to October 2010). †¢ Competitive wages in respect of semi skilled, skilled and high skilled. †¢ The average monthly wages has been practiced as follow: ââ€" ª Unskilled US$ 39.00-48.00 ââ€" ª Semi-skilled US$ 55.00 ââ€" ª Skilled US$ 61.00-109.00 †¢ Other benefits include Conveyance Allowance, House Rent, Medical Allowance, Maternity Benefit, Festival Bonus, Provident Fund and Overtime. Considering the production cost investor is being deemed to be satisfied with the overall productivity of the labors. Human Rights in EPZ: (a) Pressure to enhance welfare It appears that the BEPZA and investors in EPZs are under social and international pressure not only to enhance the welfare of the workers, but also to consult the workers in the process. According to the BEPZA Bulletin October – December 1999, a Conference of Investors on issues pertaining to labor relations in EPZs of Bangladesh was held in Dhaka in December 1999. The Minister of Labor, the Minister of Industries and the American Ambassador to Bangladesh attended the conference. According to the Bulletin, the â€Å"investors in the EPZs of Bangladesh have proposed forming a Tripartite Welfare Committee to look after and protect the interest of workers†. And â€Å"the US Ambassador in his speech encouraged the investors to form a committee to help devise an acceptable method of ensuring the welfare of the workers in the EPZs of Bangladesh†. (b) Pressure from foreign/international agencies As early as 1991, AFL – CIO, the largest trade union federation in USA, petitioned to revoke Bangladesh’s general system of preferences (GSP – tariff concessions) because of various alleged infringement of labor rights, including the denial of freedom of association in the Chittagong EPZ. After a review of the petition, the US government decided to continue Bangladesh’s GSP privileges, following Bangladesh government’s assurance to allow freedom of association in the EPZs by 1997 (Daily Star, 28 October 1999). In June 1999, AFL-CIO filed another petition to revoke the GSP privileges of Bangladesh, based solely on the country’s failure to act in accordance with the assurance. Since then the US ambassador has repeatedly threatened withdrawal of GSP privileges on the same grounds. On the other hand in a meeting with BEPZA chairman, the Japanese ambassador categorically stated, â€Å"Japan does not want trade unions in the EPZs at this moment’ (Daily Star, 20 February 2000) and he expressed satisfaction at the congenial atmosphere in the two EPZs of the country.† A Korean entrepreneur observed that international labor standards maintained in developed countries should not be applied in Bangladesh because the issues of industrial relations here were different. According to another report in the Daily Star of 19 October 1999, the Bangladesh government had signed an agreement with the US Trade Department in 1994 to withdraw the exemption from Employment of Labor (standing orders) Act 1965, and from the Industrial Relations Act 1969, by 1995 and 1997 respectively. Exemption from the Factories Act was withdrawn in 2000. On the other hand, the Chittagong EPZ investors told the US ambassador that permitting trade unions would also be a breach of contract by the Bangladesh government, which had promised a peaceful atmosphere in the Industrial Zones (Daily Star, 28 October 1999). Meanwhile acquisition of a huge area of land for a Korean EPZ has displaced 425 families and the process has been challenged in court by a religious group, as it sought to acquire a church. Complaints of corruption and harassment in payment of compensation to displaced landowners for land acquired for Comilla EPZ has also appeared in the press. (c) Pressure for consultation with workers In the conference, it was proposed that ‘the Welfare Committee will comprise of worker representatives, BEPZA, and BEPZA enterprises.’ This indicates a current lack of arrangements for consultation in any forum with representatives of workers. In the three bodies comprising the BEPZA, no representative of workers is included. The Ministry of Labor is not even represented in these bodies. (d) Divided opinion among ministers In the 1999 conference, the Minister of Labor made a vague statement that ‘the government will take some measures to protect the interest of workers  and the investors equally; while the Industries Minister was more categorical in saying, â€Å"The prime objective of the government is to increase employment opportunities through increased investment. Any issue relating to EPZs of Bangladesh should be considered cautiously.† (e) Opposition to ‘traditional trade unions’ Other speakers in the conference cautioned that foreign investment will be discouraged if ‘traditional trade unions’ are introduced. In Bangladesh, labor laws provide for election of a ‘Collective Bargaining Agent’ (CBA) from among the registered unions in an industrial undertaking and traditionally the CBAs have exceeded their legal rights and created labor unrest, allegedly for the interest of the CBAs. Major reasons for such a situation are an ineffective labor administration and political interference in implementation of labor laws. (f) BEPZA documents Several BEPZA documents mention that BEPZA pursues a production-oriented labor law. The authority administers labor matters in the EPZs of Bangladesh. Labor unions are neither allowed to form or operate within EPZs. This is a strong indication that the right to: organize and bargain collectively is denied to workers in EPZS. The BEPZA documents do not mention how the labor matters are administered in the absence of trade unions, particularly in matters that require collective bargaining, such as safety and health, minimum wage, dispute settlement, etc. From occasional reports in newspapers, it appears that labor unrest takes place once in a while due to causes like arbitrary dismissal of workers. (g) Exemption from certain labor laws On 25 February 1986, the government exempted Chittagong EPZ from the provisions of the Industrial Relations Ordinance 1969 which recognized ILO Conventions on Freedom of Association (No. 87) and on the Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively (No. 98). The ILO considers these conventions as basic human rights. It is possibly true that widespread misuse of liberal provisions for forming unions of workers gave rise to a multiplicity of unions and inter-union rivalry. Similarly, some collective bargaining agents are also criticized for misusing their representative strength. However, these situations arise due to political reasons and due to poor enforcement of laws by management and the state. Absence of laws permitting trade unions is no guarantee that such situations will not appear in the EPZs as well if the political situation deteriorates and if law enforcement slackens. The relevant issue is whether BEPZA’s labor administration has promoted any alternative relief for the workers. Export & Import IHPL is an export oriented company. They export their products to various countries. These are as follows- †¢ U.S.A †¢ Canada †¢ Australia †¢ South Africa †¢ Spain †¢ Russia †¢ Holland †¢ India †¢ U.A.E They mostly export to INDIA & USA. Their annual export volume is approx. 90 lac us dollar. They determine their international market demand and supply by its powerful sales team which is provided by its parent organization –MIDAS, situated in Canada. IHPL transport goods by air & water. They procure raw materials from different countries. It need not have to pay any taxes for importing raw materials. IHPL is situated in EPZ area where companies are given special facilities and incentives in favor of their export goods; also IHPL gets special incentive facilities from Bangladesh Govt for increasing their export. They use C&F agent for exporting their goods and collecting their raw materials. At the time of exporting product, they faces several problem. This are- †¢ Timely transportation(unavailability of movers) †¢ Dependency on middle organization: It may be caused by C&F agent. †¢ Lengthy process in port: Because of political problem mainly trade union. †¢ Corruption in every stage of processing †¢ Supply of wrong information by importer or exporter Above mentioned problems can be solved by – †¢ Providing adequate transportation facility †¢ Reducing interference of middle men †¢ Handling of shipping problem in time †¢ Providing reliable information at the time of export and import †¢ Eliminating corruption by enforcing rules and regulation IHPL is a big growing factory in Bangladesh and Bangladesh Govt. should support this kind of factory to develop the country by following steps- †¢ To increase mobility of port: There are many kinds of problems in time of shipping goods and services. In our country labor does it. That is politicize trade union in port. this type of situation govt. can take initiative to increase mobility of port. †¢ Production of export cargo: In our country ,we have no emergency career service. IHPL may expect to govt. this type of facility. †¢ Sound quality control and grading of export consignment: In Bangladesh BSTI can do it. They may expect to govt. that BSTI will be more effective than previous. †¢ Effective cost control: In our country cost increase due to delay delivery, delay production, delay documentation. To reduce this govt. can introduce one stop service centre in port and also need to make it more effective. †¢ Developing sound network and linkage with overseas market: To do it govt. can need to do EPB and Commerce Ministry more effective. Corporate social responsibility of IHPL: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as the way companies integrate social, environmental, and economic concerns into their values and operations in a transparent and accountable manner. It is integral to long-term business growth and success, and it also plays an important role in promoting business values locally and internationally and also contributing to the sustainable development of communities. The Government of Bangladesh works with the public and private sector, business community, civil society , with foreign governments and communities as well as other stakeholders to foster and promote CSR. WIKIPEDIA define CSR as CSR is a form of corporate self integrated into a business model. CSR policy functions as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms. The goal of CSR is to embrace responsibility for the company’s actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholder and all other members of the public sphere who may also be considered as stakeholders. Corporate Social Responsibility: THE BANGLADESH CONTEXT CSR practices in Bangladesh in its modern global terms, are relatively new, but not so for the concept itself. Because, being a part of the global market, it is difficult to ignore CSR standard specifically in the export sector like (MIDAS, young one, specific jeans) com. In general, it is true that in Bangladesh, the status of labor rights practices, environmental  management and transparency in corporate governance are not satisfactory level, largely due to poor enforcement of existing laws and inadequate pressure from civil society and interest groups like Consumer Forums (CAB) consumer association of Bangladesh. Globally, as CSR practices are gradually being integrated into international business practices and hence is becoming one of the determining factors for market accesses, it is becoming equally instrumental for local acceptability. A focus on CSR in Bangladesh would be useful, not only for improving corporate governance, labor rights, work place safety, fair treatment of workers, community development and environment management, but also for industrialization and ensuring global market access. Lack of enforcement of Industrial Laws and Regulations, weak unions, absence of consumer rights and high level of corruption within the regulatory bodies make CSR violation rampant in Bangladesh. CSR is neglected in two most significant foreign exchange sources is the RMG sector and the overseas manpower export. Unbelievably low compensation, working hours, health/hygiene/sanitation conditions, fire safety and various types of abuse are so common and to the extent of inhumanity that will shock any conscientious individual to the core. Recently, the RMG sector employees have embarked on a industry wide movement to establish their rights. Like savor, narayangong (kunchpur) in march-April in 2012. CSR Of Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. ( IHPL) IHPL is committed to ethical behavior and to sustainable economic development, while improving the quality of life of its workforce and their families, as well as the local community and society at large. IHPL is one of the organizations of MIDAS. It established in November 2010 in EPZ in Chittagong. Its a 100% export oriented safety material producer export gloves, heal mate, chemical resistant cover in India & others countries as per the requirement of MIDAS. Since its inception its carry our different types of CSR to govt., employees, BEPZA, EPZ & to the society. CSR to Govt.: * Provide tax, duty, others fees timely * Follow govt. prescribe rules & regulation * Promote diplomatic relation with exporting countries * Contribute t the up-liftment of GDP * Favorable balance of payment CSR to society: * create employment for 600 people( 50% male,50% female) * environment safety operation * raising living standard * Qurbani,a very new establishment, donation to orphanage. CSR to environment: * pollution free manufacturing * sound waste management policy * minimum emission of co2 * ISO 9001:2008 certified operation CSR to employees: * timely wage paid * provide free lunch & dinner * provide on job training * provide safety material for worker in time of working * improve skill among worker * provide pure drinking water * transportation facilities for employees CSR to BEPZA: * follow BEPZA role & regulation * follow labor act 2006 * operation is consistent with Bangladeshi culture, norms, value. Proper CSR practice in Bangladesh can also contribute a lot to community development. The corporate house can develop the community by creating employment, providing primary education, contribution to infrastructure development like road and high-ways and addressing environmental concerns. This is more relevant for a country like Bangladesh where the government interventions in these fields augmented by corporate alliance can go a long way in developing the economy, society and environment. Problems of IHPL IHPL faces generally two types of problems. They may be internal or external problems. Internal Problems: ââ€" ª Inadequate training and development program. ââ€" ª Poor investment in research and development. ââ€" ª Lack of infrastructural development of the organization. ââ€" ª Have no own power supply system. ââ€" ª High turnover rate of the organization. ââ€" ª Have no local supply of raw material. External Problems: ââ€" ª Political instability in Bangladesh. ââ€" ª Increasing inflation ââ€" ª Corruption in the port. ââ€" ª Lengthy process for exporting of the goods. ââ€" ª Economic factors: Exchange rate fluctuation, trade policy, trade relation with other country, tax rate, tariff and others non-tariff barriers ââ€" ª Non-availability and non-frequency of transportation. ââ€" ª Other Cultural differences like working attitudes, language, education and dexterity etc. ââ€" ª Lack of proper supply of gas, water, electricity and so on. ââ€" ª Labor union causes a lot of problems in case of export oriented organization. Recommendation Some recommended suggestions are given below: †¢ Continuous quality improvement concept should be applied for the improvement of the quality of the product. †¢ Investment in research and development has to extend to initiate a new idea. †¢ IHPL should provide adequate incentive, salary, bonuses and non-financial facilities to reduce the high turnover rate. †¢ IHPL should try to produce raw material in production country. †¢ IHPL should introduce the updated technology in the production to increase productivity. †¢ IHPL should think the possibilities of sells its products in Bangladesh. †¢ IHPL should introduce the housing facilities for the employees. †¢ IHPL should try to apply JIT concept in the inventory system. †¢ IHPL should try its best to minimize the lead time of the shipment of hand gloves. †¢ IHPL should be more social responsible and environment friendly company. CONCLUSION By Observing the above discussion we can concludes that the company has been maintaining excellent performance since its beginning. This is the proud of the company that it never incurred a loss since 2010 to 2012. The overall performance of accounting, management, and cost systems of Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. is to some extend conventional issue. The products of the company have wide market demand all over the world. The company earns a lot of foreign exchange which plays an important role in our national economy. Industrial Hand Protection Ltd will be the role model for export oriented industry sector within few years. Because of its quality product, uniqueness of their product, export volume and so on. One of the main problem is that IHPL uses automated machineries which hamper targeted production in case of electricity disruption. It imports all raw materials but it some times faced problems due to time limitation. If IHPL can overcome its drawbacks it will increase a large extent the volume of profit. Since this company is established in CEPZ area they have to maintain all the rules and regulations provided by the BEPZA. So the authority can not enjoy freedom of taking decision. Their turnover rate is quite high, it needs to be checked. If it does not take initiative to improve this situation it will face difficulties because they have several competitors outside the country. The production capacity of IHPL is limited because of their limited area. So this need to be considered by concerned authority . By analyzing sales trend and financial statement, profit and production diagram of IHPL, we can say that the overall performance of IHPL is satisfactory. It never incurs losses since its beginning. We also know that it is a newly established company. We hope Industrial Hand Protection Ltd. will carry out its production process smoothly by removing its some silly drawbacks. Reference: ———————– Electronic Works Mr.A.K.M.Arif Mohin Uddin Manager Admin & Personnel. Mr.Akbar Haqqani Deputy General Manager (DGM) Country Head in Bangladesh Mr Adnan Peerzada Deputy Manager. Department of Finance and Commercial. Senging point Load point Liner Bobbling Ship Industry Sports Road Construction Steel Industry. Fashion Industry Heat Resistance Chemical Industry. Journey Mr.Shihab Uddin Khan HR officer. ance Chemical Industry. Journey Mr.Shihab Uddin Khan HR officer. Quality service Quality Customer Price Quality Valuable customer Manufacture ââ€" Man ââ€" Machine ââ€" Material ââ€" Money Direct sale Formal Relation Interdepende-ncy Mertocracy T Trust Care For Others Ethics Team work Strength Weakness †¢ Unskilled labor †¢ Inexperience †¢ Poor industry environment †¢ Lack of local demand †¢ Lack of infrastructural development. †¢ Fresh Environment †¢ Higher Productivity of worker. †¢ Availability of labor †¢ Effective collaboration among employees. †¢ Effective and efficient labor supply †¢ Participative management system †¢ Unbalance market distribution †¢ Lack of energy †¢ Floating worker †¢ Devaluation †¢ High turnover rate †¢ Political instability †¢ Long lead time to export †¢ Emerging market †¢ Research and Development †¢ Established plan †¢ Building loyalty †¢ Growing demand †¢ Vast labor force with labor cost Threats Opportunity Spinning Pre-Jelling Air flow Showering Stamping Packaging Finished Goods Oven Liner Drying check Load point Methanol Deeping Pre-Jelling Evaporation Horizontal Jelling Oven Packaging Stamping Finished Goods What is expected? The way it is expected to develop. What has been achieved? The way it has been achieved. High Performance Absenteeism in percent Turnover in percent Month in 2012. January 19.46% 9.56% February 15.25 7.73 8.00 March 15.45 19.23 8.43 April 12.00 8.00 May Satisfaction Factors Dissatisfaction Factors †¢ Shortage of holidays †¢ Low medical allowance †¢ Long working hours †¢ Improper assistance from production. †¢ Lack of incentives †¢ Organizational environment †¢ Transportation problem in case of long distance †¢ Discipline †¢ Cooperation between staff and office employees †¢ Timely salary payment †¢ Freedom to work †¢ Basis of future platform †¢ Learning and participating †¢ Food and transportation facility Initial Screening Employment Tests Completing Application Form Comprehensive Interview Background Investigation Conditional Job Offer Medical or Physical Test Permanent job Offer Screening Collecting People Talk Personally Selection by Engineers Choose Effective Worker